Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A very COLD start to December

The countdown to Christmas had begun, as well as our countdown to Spring/Summer.

It is FAR too cold here (as low as 15 degrees), and thanks to a nasty cold, accompanied by a non-stop runny nose, Mom has confined us to the indoors. To keep things entertaining in the house Mom and I play dress up. Check out the great fabric I found in her sewing room- she made it into a dress for me and I pretended to be Aunt Liz and danced at my wedding (I was marrying Uncle Ryan of course.)

I have been helping out a lot in the kitchen. My favorite thing to make is dessert, and Mom and I have been trying new and exciting recipes. Last week we made some chocolate pudding, and boy was it good. After I ate it all by myself Mom couldn't stop laughing at me. I was upset that I wasn't included in the joke- then she took a picture of me and I realized that I was the joke...

After seeing my face I joined in the laughter.

Since Thanksgiving was over and we were counting down the days until Christmas (thanks to Grandma Judy sending an advent calendar), Mom and Dad decided it was time to get a Christmas Tree and decorate the house. When the weekend came Mom dressed me up in my new winter dress and coat for the special occasion. Before leaving the house we had a little photo shoot.

This one is Mom's favorite...

We ran into a fashion problem as we prepared to leave the house- I had NO black shoes. Mom was sad, yet excited, that I had grown out of my old black shoes (sad because she said it was some sort of fashion faux pas to wear white shoes with black tights like that, but excited that I am growing!) Regardless, I think I still look pretty stylish.

Our Christmas Tree outing was not what the family had expected. First off, the tree farms close to our house only had pre-cut trees; there was no petting zoo, no reindeer, or any of the fun attractions that the one last year had. Second, it was just too cold! Even if there were fun Christmas time activities we wouldn't have been able to spend much time outdoors. We left Macie in the car and literally ran through the trees until Mom spotted one that we all agreed would be just fine. Mom and I ran back to the truck as Dad paid. When he got back not only did he have our Christmas Tree but he had a special treat for me, it was a CANDY CANE! I hadn't had one yet, and was really excited to try this holiday treat that is all the hype at Christmas time.

It only took one bite and I was hooked!!! They tasted awesome!!!!

We spent the afternoon at home decorating the tree and putting up Christmas lights outside the house. Here I am putting up my ornament that Grandpa Jerry gave me on my very first Christmas!

Decorating the tree was a fairly quick project, as Mom is very picky about the items placed on it. Although our tree is without any princess or elmo ornaments (to my dismay) I must admit that when it was done it looked pretty great!!!

I love all the Christmas decor around our house, and its only contributing to our anticipation of the upcoming fun!

Even Macie couldn't keep a smile off her face!

The following Day Mom heard some great news- Santa Claus was going to be at the Columbus Zoo! Talk about exciting!!! Mom has been preparing me for my visit with Santa for quite some time, and we all felt like I was ready to meet him (last year I was a little hesitant, even when he came to my house to give me presents). The family bundled up and went to the Zoo. We got there early and made some stops at a few of my favorite attractions.The carousel was warm and cozy inside, and I could have stayed on the horse for hours, but Mom could only last one ride- something about being dizzy, what a sissy...

We stopped in to visit my snake friends, and not only did I get to pet the python again, but my buddy the iguana was on the move (he is usually pretty sedentary). We had a stare down, and I think he was a little intimidated by me.

As the sun went down Mom heard the sound of Santa's sleigh overhead. We immediately rushed to the Christmas village to meet him. There were lots of other kids already in line, so we had to wait for a bit. Even Macie, who was dressed for the occasion, was eager to see him!

As my turn approached I became a little apprehensive about sitting on his lap. Mom assured me that he was a nice guy, and that the only way that he would know what I wanted for Christmas (since I can't write yet) was to sit on his lap and tell him. I "sucked it up" and braved my way over to him. It took only a short period of time before I warmed up to him and we were chatting like old friends. I told him that I wanted a princess kitchen, a princess house, and some princess stuff for Christmas. He asked me if I had been good all year and I immediately replied with a firm "YES" (let's not consult Mom on her opinion- let's just say that we haven't been seeing things eye to eye these days...)

After I was done chatting it up with Santa, Macie sat on his lap with me and we both go to take a picture with him. Macie was really brave, and didn't cry at all. In fact, she liked him SO much that she wouldn't let go of his beard when it was time to go.

I think the two of us took a pretty great picture!

On the way out I got to meet Mrs.Claus and decorate a cookie with her. I was very meticulous when it came time to decorating. I had to use every color icing, and was very precise about the location of my sprinkles.

I had created a beautiful cookie and it looked almost to good to eat...

I said almost. As if there is anything that could have stopped me from eating that yummy cookie- even a one of a kind Picasso wouldn't have stood a chance.

Before we left I gave Mrs. Claus a big hug and thanked her for the yummy treat! The whole family had a great time at the Christmas village, and even Dad dressed up and joined in the fun. Mom thinks he looks handsome with his Rudolph nose.

Although Macie couldn't participate in all of the activities she still had fun watching all of the fun going on around her.

Our trip to the Zoo was a ton of fun, and I hope to go back when my family comes to see me for Christmas.

The last couple of days have been promising. The sun has been out (though it is still COLD), and it looks like our runny noses have run their course. Recovering from my cold has brought back my strength also Mom finally let me hold Macie.

I love having a little sister, but it doesn't look like she is going to stay little for long.

Mom thought it would be fun to see just how big she was getting, so she laid us next to each other.

I sure love my sister; she is my best friend!

Later that day Mom was being silly and trying to get Macie to laugh on video. She laughs a lot these days, but we can never capture it...

As I have said before, being stuck indoors forces us to become creative with our activities. Here is one activity that Macie really enjoys watching me play...

Christmas is rapidly approaching and soon lots of family and friends will be in town for the holidays. Grandma Judy and Will fly into town this coming Tuesday with Kahlua and Jack (the kitties), and Aunt Hayley and Holly will be moving in with us on Saturday!!! I hope they are preparing for lots of upcoming fun...