Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Fun Just Keeps on Coming!!!!

With Christmas less than 10 days away Mom has been busy getting our household ready for the holidays. Macie and I have been spending lots of time together and thanks to Aunt Stephanie, and her knack for personal shopping, we have matching outfits and have been able to dress up like one another. I think we are pretty cute twins- Mom is worried that once Macie catches up to me in size (which at the current rate, may be soon) that some people may really believe that we are twins.

It is still cold outside, and snow has really begun to fall, so the number of outdoor activities we can still do at home are really diminishing. Just when I was growing antsy, and in need of something stimulating, a box arrived on our doorstep. Mom shouted to me with excitement as she announced that it was addressed to "princess Frankwick." There was no mistaking who that was, of course, and I ran to the box . It was from my Aunt Connie so I knew it would be AMAZING, but never in my wildest dreams could I have wished for a greater surprise. Inside the box was a treasure chest full of princess dresses and accessories. Talk about every little girls dream! One by one I tried on all the dresses. Mom and I spent the whole day having a photo shoot as Macie watched from her swing.

Here I am as a Fairy:

Here I am as a Queen:

And here I am as a bride (Aunt Liz of course):

I am SO grateful to Aunt Connie for all the wonderful things she does for me- she knows just what I like!!!

Aunt Connie's surprise made my week super fun and entertaining. On Thursday night Dad had to leave town for work, so it was just us girls at dinnertime- when Dad isn't around to eat dinner with us, our meals usually get pretty interesting. On Thursday night we had steamed brussel sprouts and beans, and on the following night we ate olives, peas, and other left overs from the fridge (I am pretty easy to please). Uncle Ryan would be proud, I still eat olives just like he taught me!

Dad came back home for the weekend and the whole family went to Holiday Family Night at the rec center on Saturday. There was so much to do- from kitchens and slides, to balls and bikes, I was overwhelmed by all the exciting things to play with. While Macie slept Mom, Dad, and I had a great time together, the jury is still out on who had the most fun...

We spent the remainder of the weekend getting ready for company and before we knew it time had flown by and Grandma Judy, Uncle Will, and Jack and Kahlua were at the house!!! The first morning Grandma started off her stay with some silly antics at the breakfast table. Notice anything odd about the seating arrangements???

Macie watched from her swing and kept trying to sit up and join in on the fun.

She couldn't stop laughing at all the entertainment.

I hadn't seen Grandma Judy in over 3 months, and the two of picked up right where we had left off- having fun! We played out in the yard on the trampoline and even went on the swing set together- check out how high she pushed me on the big girl swing (if you listen carefully you can hear Mom's disapproving voice in the background)...

After Will and Grandma spent a slow day at the house recovering from their exodus from the Caribbean they were ready to experience winter fun in Ohio. Since it was a cozy 35 degrees outside we decided to take them to the Zoo for the winter wonderland extravaganza.

Grandma Judy and I got to take a ride in Santa's sleigh.

And we even played around on the slides while Mom and Will kept Macie occupied.

After stopping by the regulars for a visit (snakes, fish, etc.), we walked around the Zoo enjoying all the Christmas lights and holiday decorations. While we were enjoying the scenery Mom heard a jingle noise up in the sky- it was Santa. He and his reindeer had made a pit stop at the Zoo for a quick refreshment before heading back to the North Pole. We went over to the village and saw his reindeer in their pen, and even joined Santa indoors for a warm up and quick hello before his trip home. Before leaving I got to decorate and eat another cookie with Will's help.

Macie and I enjoyed the warmth of the indoors, and she was really fascinated by all the different colored lights and ornaments around the tree.

The following day we went the to Mall to take care of some last minute shopping. Grandma though it would be fun to push me in a cart car, but we were having a little to much fun (running up and down the aisles), and Mom had to intervene.

Mom was fortunate to have Will with us because he was a BIG help. Mom even called him our "manny." He and Macie got along really well, and spent many hours chatting about the ways of the world.

While Will and Macie talked physics (or some other topic too boring to keep my attention), I took a ride on the rocket! So far Macie is all talk and I am all action.

As we were on our way out of the mall Mom made a quick stop to check out some pajamas. During this time I ran through the racks while Will and Macie had another one of their talks.

What a chatty Kathy- She sure is growing up fast!!!

On the way home Grandma and I laughed about all the fun we had. Mom LOVES to hear me laugh, and thinks we should bottle it up and sell it to make people happy.

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing around the house.

Since Macie is almost four months old Mom has decided that it is time for her to be having "tummy time." Unlike me, Macie despises being on her belly, so it has really been a struggle. Usually she screams and cries, but on this particular afternoon she did very well!

Some mornings we wake up to a fresh new coat of snow on the ground. When it is more substantial than a dusting I insist upon getting suited up to play in it. This particular morning 4 inches covered the backyard.

Thank goodness for Grandma Judy being here, because I didn't have to wait for both Mom and Macie to get ready.

After Grandma and I played for a while she helped me make a snowman.

We even made a castle for my princesses!!!

I have had SO much fun with Grandma and Will, and tonight Aunt Hayley will be flying home from the Caribbean (I bet she is sad to be leaving the pirates). I am excited for my new housemates to arrive and can't wait for the upcoming fun all of us will have together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!