On the weekend we had a party out at Pa's house to celebrate my family getting together, as well as to celebrate my Aunt Connie's birthday. I have learned that birthday's are LOTS of fun because everyone gets to sing, blow out candles, and eat cake.
Afterwards she let me dive right into the cake and boy was it yummy! I can't wait until the next birthday!!!!!
I spent the remainder of the weekend laying low at home and recovering from my sugar hangover. Dad and I hung out in the front yard and had some family fun together.On Monday morning Grandpa Jerry, Cindy, Dad, and Mom took me to Disneyland! This time we got to ride the train around the park and saw all sorts of neat things.
We made a special stop at the Tiki Lounge for Pa and watched the bird show. I think it was one of my favorite things we saw at Disneyland.
As you can see, I was much better behaved this time than the last. In line I even had fun and amused the crowds with my silly antics.
Grandpa Jerry, Cindy, Grandma Judy, Dad, and Mom all joined me for some sea animal fun, and I really enjoyed walking through the large aquariums and seeing all the fish.
We even got to get up close and personal with some really BIG fish. Seeing the sharks really close was an incredible experience, and I was fascinated by their size.
Like the Aquarium, Seaworld had tide pools where you could touch small sea creatures. I wanted to reach down to touch the star fish, but was too short so Grandma Judy quickly grabbed one out of the water so that I could pet it.
I got an unexpected surprise when I found out that Seaworld had PENGUINS! Seeing their exhibit got me shrieking with excitement, and Mom and I had to go back through it 3 times before I was content. On the way out we stopped in the gift shop and I grabbed as many stuffed penguins as I could and said with an plea in my voice "mine?"
After seeing the penguins Dad and Grandpa Jerry took a break and went to see the "horses" in the Budweiser Barn while Grandma Judy, Cindy, Mom, and I went to see an Elmo movie. The movie has in 4D, which was totally new to me, and I really enjoyed it. When it was over we met the guys at the horse corrals and Grandma Judy even gave me a horsie ride as we went through and said hello to all the Clydesdales.
I even got to go on the Elmo ride with Dad!
The Sesame Street Park wore me out, and we decided to take it easy and go see the Shamu show. There were Whales jumping, diving, and splashing everywhere. Mom was so impressed that I sat still through the whole show that she took me to see the whales up close.
By the look on my face you can see that I sure enjoyed them!
Seaworld was an amazing place and I can't wait to get back.
My week with Grandpa Jerry and Cindy was filled with fun, and I was sad when they had to fly home to Wisconsin. I hope that I will be able to go visit them soon, but want them to know what a great time I had while they were in California.