Thursday, June 27, 2013

Two Months Old, WOW!!!

Presley is 2 months old!!! 

The time has flown by and Presley is getting SO big. At her 2 month appointment she weighed 9lbs and measured 22 inches.

It is amazing how she is coming to life.  With smiles and silent laughter, she is beginning to communicate with us. 

She is also getting stronger.  She enjoys her tummy time, and is doing a great job holding her head.

We haven't been too busy lately, but Mom volunteered to help decorate the church in preparation for bible camp this year.  She was thrilled when she found out that the theme for the week was "Everywhere Fun Faire" because she has boxes and boxes of carnival equipment from Riley's party last year.  We pulled out a bunch of stuff and Macie and I took turns playing with it.

The morning of bible camp Macie and I woke up excited!  We couldn't wait to get to church for a fun week with our friends. Mom decided to make our bible camp shirts "fancy" this year- she couldn't let us wear boring old boy t-shirts...All it took was a few ruffles here and there, and voila, a masterpiece:

Our outfits were a HUGE hit and our week of camp was tons of fun.

At the end of the week Uncle Will took Genevieve with us to the Children's museum.  All of us had a fun time together!

 Mom spent the week of camp running errands and getting stuff ready for my upcoming birthday party.  She was able to spend lots of time with Presley, and loved interacting with her.  Check out some of her many facial expressions:

That Sunday was Father's Day, and Dad rang in his big day sleeping on the couch with Presley.

In the morning the whole family went for a special pancake breakfast at IHOP.  Macie and I were super excited because we had never been out to eat at a restaurant for breakfast.

We all watched as Macie danced her way through finishing her plate.

We spent the day at home playing board games, swimming, and feasting.  That night Dad spent more quality time with Presley.

The following week was CRAZY busy.  Mom spent hours working on stuff for my birthday party.  Presley watched from the counter and acted as quality control.

Early in the week, while Uncle Will was at the house helping Mom, he took some pictures of Presley.  More funny faces to see...

Mid Week I got to pack my bags for MY VERY FIRST SLEEPOVER!!!  Mom decided that I was finally old enough to spend the night at Aunt Hayley's house.  I made sure to pack my princess suitcase with ALL my favorites from my room.  

Mom got misty eyed as she watched me walk to the car...

I drove away with Aunt Hayley with a BIG smile on my face!

 We had a great time together.  We went to the theater and saw a 3D movie!  After that we went to Sushi for dinner, and out for Ice Cream!

That night I met Aunt Hayley's new kitten and watched a princess movie on the couch.  In the morning we went to see Bugs, and after cleaning him, got to ride him around the arena.  When Mom came down to pick me up I was relaxing on the couch, in front of another princess movie, with a plate of food- talk about being spoiled!

Back at home it was all business.  With the party only a few days away, Mom and Will were BUSY.  We went all over town running errands, and Presley was a champ!

On Friday we were home all day cleaning and cooking for the big day. Macie and I spent the morning playing dress up.

Mid day Mom helped out a friend by watching her son Michael who is 3 months old.  Him and Presley hung out together, and were perfect babies!

We all took pictures together when Allie came to pick him up.

After Allie left, we went back to work on the party.  Mom, Will, and Dad worked their tails off- check back soon to hear all about the big day...