Monday, June 17, 2013

SUMMER TIME!!!!!!!!!

Macie and I have decided that summer break is AWESOME!!!  So far we have spent our time playing, swimming, and having an all around good time. 

Uncle Will's friend Alice came into town this week to visit, so we took her to the Children's Museum to show her a good time.

Alice enjoyed playing with us, and joined right in!


 Presley spent a lot of time awake this time, and Mom spent most of the time trying to get her to smile.


We stayed at the Children's museum for a few hours, and showed Alice ALL our favorite spots.

When the Children's Museum closed we all went over to the Science Center to show Alice the "storm" movie that we love to watch.  Mom fed Presley while we watched, and then afterwards all of us played in the physics room until closing.

By the time we left it had been a FULL day of fun and poor Presley was exhausted.  She didn't even make it to the car before passing out.

On the way home we stopped for dinner at Oregano's.

Macie and I were really excited to eat out for dinner, and the food was AWESOME!

We had such a great time with Alice; it was a day full of FUN!

 Later that week Uncle Will brought over a gift for our family.  It is called Rock Band and it's another game for our Xbox.  Dad was SO excited that he stayed up for hours buying songs and rockin' out!

For the rest of the week we spent lots of time playing at home.  Mom is thrilled that Presley is finally responding to the family, and can't get enough of her gummy side smile...

One morning we met our friend Anya at the mall to play, and Macie sweet talked Mom into riding the toy animals (she is such a sucker these days).

Before the weekend we spent time at church helping to set up for Bible Camp.  This year's theme is Everywhere Fun Faire, and Mom was excited to pull out my party stuff from last year to help with the decorating.

On Saturday Dad and Uncle Will took Macie and I to Poolapalooza and Lifetime.



 There were tons of fun things to do, and all of us had a blast!

 I guess Mom and Presley had their own party at home together- Presley is AWESOME!

 At home that night in bed I slept with my new Rapunzel doll (I earned her being brave and going down the big slides at Lifetime- I even went down the enclosed slide!!!).

That night Presley spent time on her tummy and practiced picking up her head.

 The next morning we had a big family breakfast together,

and then spent the WHOLE afternoon swimming in the pool.  Check out the new toys we got this week- they are bumper boats with water guns...AWESOME!


Uncle Will got a bunch  of great pictures as we all played in the pool.

It was a great day of family fun- we LOVE summer time!!!

Check back soon for more upcoming summer fun!