Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Back Home for BIRTHDAY FUN!

Happy Birthday to ME!

My morning kicked off with a big birthday breakfast complete with pancakes and candles, and only got better from there. I got to open some birthday gifts and picked my favorite (a sleeping beauty dress) to wear around the house.

After a birthday episode of my favorite show, Little Einsteins, I got dressed for the day (in my new birthday tutu and top courtesy of Mom) and we kicked off my birthday with a morning trip to a private gymnastics session! I showed off my skills for the teacher and she was impressed with the strength I have developed in my arms- I mean, check me out as I flip over the bar without help...

Mom tried to persuade me to take a swing on the rings, but instead I chose to pose and pout as only a princess would.

I had tons of fun running through the gym having everything to myself. Because Macie and I were the only ones, Macie got to crawl around and watch me up close- she is trying to become more and more involved everyday.

Back at home both Macie and I were still exhausted (we should have been considering we didn't get home until midnight the previous evening) so Mom put us down for a nap.

We both slept for quite a while and woke up with tons of energy ready to continue my day of birthday fun! I was allowed to open another gift, this one from Grandma Judy. The first thing I opened was a princess lollipop twirler. After Mom gave me the OK I dove right in...

Once the lollipop was finished I opened the rest of my gift and was thrilled to find a Tinkerbell dress, crown, wand, and my first pair of heels. I didn't waste any time and put it on as quickly as possible.

In full costume Macie and I went out in the front yard to play together and I called Grandma Judy to Thank her for my great gift- while I was occupied Macie got to play with my wand and she was ecstatic because I am not much of a sharer.

The day was beautiful, not too warm, so we took advantage and stayed outside until Dad came home from work. We took a birthday bike ride around the block and Mom let me stay in my Tinkerbell outfit (I didn't even have to take my crown off to wear a helmet).

Once Dad came home we ate a special pizza dinner, but I couldn't concentrate on the food since I knew what was coming...

When Mom and Dad pulled it out of the fridge I was speechless!

After finally regaining my composure, all I could do was laugh and smile- I was SOOOO excited.

Just listen to the excitement in my voice while my family is singing me the birthday song:

I wasn't the only one that dove into the cake. Both Mom and Dad went at it with forks (no plates), and Macie couldn't shovel the cake in her mouth fast enough. All in all, I think my princess cake was a big hit for the entire family.

Later that week the weather warmed up (well over a comfortable temp) so our attire was sparse and we spent our time outdoors in the sprinklers.

Although Macie still melts in the sun, she did enjoy climbing up and down the slide.

Macie is getting more and more mobile- she climbs up the stairs with ease and can stand and walk holding onto objects. I can't believe how fast she is becoming a big girl. She is using her words more and more, and is able to communicate with the world around her.

Because I am so independent Mom lets me do things all by myself. From time to time she checks in on me to make sure "all is well", and every now and again is speechless at what she finds. In this particular instance I informed her that forwards is for peeing and backwards is for...

Mom didn't know how to respond, so instead of saying anything she just told me to "carry on" and to "let her know if I needed anything".

We spent our first week in Ohio enjoying the comfort that comes from being back home. We played in the yard in our grungiest clothes, ate food without worrying about making a mess, and did whatever our little hearts desired.

When the following Monday rolled around it was time to go to Princess Camp!!!

Mom was nervous for many reasons. One, she had never dropped me off somewhere and left me in another person's care (family excluded); Two, she was worried about my behavior and my willingness to listen to the rules- the long list of worries went on...

When we arrived at camp I was so excited that I barely turned around to yell a goodbye. I think I hurt Mom's feelings a little bit because she had a teary glaze in her eyes as she watched me from a distance for about a half hour before she finally took a deep breath and walked out the door. I guess she had an anxiety ridden morning. By the time she came back to pick me up 2 hours later she was a hot mess of worry. Without prompting my teachers said their goodbyes to me and then told my Mom how impressed they were with my behavior throughout the morning. Mom's face filled with shock at the realization that I am capable of being on my best behavior when required.

Back at home I told Mom all about my first day and showed off my AWESOME outfit and face paint.

My week at camp was full of excitement and without incident. Mom was so proud of me that we got to go to the grocery store to celebrate my last day of camp. My friend Jeannie helped me pick out a balloon and doughnut, and in true princess fashion I strutted my stuff through the store.

Mom is still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I am 3 years old. Apparently it seems like just yesterday that I was born and now I am an independent little lady.

I am not the only one in the house growing up quickly- check out Macie feeding herself.

She LOVES to eat, and now that she can do it on her own wants to eat ALL THE TIME. Corn on the cob is one of the favorites, but it really doesn't matter what the food as long as its edible and accessible.

When the family got back from California we jumped right back into swim lessons, and boy have they paid off. I am totally comfortable in the water and love to play around with my friends.

Dad helped Macie to kick in the water, and despite her initial protests she soon became eager to play and kick her legs about.

Our little family is growing up so quickly and before we know it we will be celebrating Macie's first birthday. Knowing my family it will be something to look forward to!!!