Around the house life got a little hectic as Mom began to pack up all the items Dad would need to take with him to Arizona. With time of the essence Mom decided to conserve by having Macie and I take baths together. Macie thinks my antics are hilarious, and I love to show her how much fun we can have in the water.
I showed her how I wash my own hair,
and even took the liberty of washing her hair.
Mom was not impressed by my "help" with the hair washing, so recently we have been taking separate baths (I don't really mind because it means I get to stay awake later!) and Mom has just come to terms with the fact that no matter what, there will NEVER be enough time.
On rainy days when we were stuck in the house this month Mace and I occupied ourselves by playing with one another. She really looks up to me (literally; but Mom assures me that's only temporary), and tries to imitate everything I do. Here I am showing her how to spit into the glass and make noises:
When indoor games were no longer sufficient we went over to the Big Red Barn for some all out fun!
Check out Macie as she jumps on the trampoline...
Although she enjoys jumping, the swings still top her list of favorite things to do. I have decided that I like pushing Macie more than I like swinging myself (mainly because I get to "push" her without getting yelled at).
Macie has been working on walking and can do pretty well when she has support. Watch as our friend Caroline helps her...
Not only is Macie working on her walking skills, but her speaking skills are improving as well. Listen as we practice her favorite words:
When the weekend rolled around Aunt Hayley's boyfriend John came down for a visit and all of us went out to see Bugs before he moved to a new stable. Bugs' health has been improving a ton and he is finally "rideable," so Aunt Hayley saddled him up and I took him for a walk.
I was super brave and everyone was really proud of how well I handled myself.
The following day Mom and Dad surprised Macie and I by taking the family on a special trip to the fair. Walking in I could hardly contain my excitement as there were thrills everywhere I looked; from food and rides, to animals and entertainment.
Even Macie seemed to be excited by the surroundings.
One of the first rides I "just HAD to go on" was the big trampoline. I couldn't believe that I was finally big enough to go considering I have been turned away over three times in the past.
While I was having fun jumping up and down Macie and Dad enjoyed an elephant ear (Macie's first taste of fair food).
The carnies let me stay on the trampoline a little longer than normal since everyone had such a great time watching me jump- apparently I was quite the entertainment.
Macie got bored and started a dance party in her stroller.
After eating some roasted corn, chips, and taking some pictures, Dad and I rode on the fair chair lift.
The view from above was awesome as Dad and I waved down to Mom and Macie below.
Dinner at the fair was rather disappointing; our fries were drenched in lardy grease and the burger Mom and I got to share couldn't even contend with one from McDonald's (which isn't hard to do).
The food left us feeling lethargic so Mom rested at a table while Macie practiced taking steps.
When our food finally settled in our stomachs it was time for more rides!!
Although there was tough competition the Frog Hopper was my absolute favorite!!!
As bedtime rapidly approached Macie started to get cranky. To cheer her up Dad took her to the petting Zoo while Mom and I took a ride on the giant slide.
The animals cheered Macie up a little, so her and Dad spent the rest of their time feeding them.
I arrived just as they were getting ready to leave, but got to feed a deer so that I wouldn't feel left out.
We had such a great time at the fair, and I can't wait to go back again!
The following week we spent our days enjoying different Columbus attractions with our friends. We went to the Zoo like 5 times, and I made sure to ride the train, carousel, boat, and pony!
In the past Macie has enjoyed seeing the fish and the birds, but recently she has shown interest in the turtles.
Listen to the excitement in her voice.
When Mom's birthday rolled around we celebrated at a water park and got to eat some cupcakes, I obviously enjoyed the chocolate.
By the time we arrived back at home for Mom's party Macie was already in a sugar coma, so she sat in the grass and watched quietly as Mom, Dad, Aunt Hayley and I took turns hitting the pirate pinata full of all Mom's favorite chocolates.
Since we have one month left to take advantage of all the attractions that Columbus has to offer, we have been going everywhere. We met my friend Kiera from gymnastics at Zoombeezi Bay and got to splash around in the water and ride the big water slides.
I loved swimming around in the water and floating in the lazy river- even Macie enjoyed it!
A couple days later Kiera and I went to the Zoo- I love going places with friends!
After all the fun I had at princess camp Mom thought I would enjoy another week of camp so we signed up for Cats and Dogs camp. We were bummed to discover that I was the only kid signed up and therefore it was canceled. I had really been looking forward to going back to camp and was disappointed until Mom found out that Lifetime had a Day Camp. We immediately signed up and it was a blast- we did crafts, played with face paint, ran around with friends- I had such a great time that I get to go twice a week until Labor day!
Here I am after on my way to the pool at the County club after a morning at camp- check out my Dalmatian face paint!!!
We always have a great time at the pool with the Grzelaks,
seeing them swim in the water encourages me to get better.
Macie doesn't always like to get in the water, but loves to hang out with her best buddy Aidan.
When all the kids are in the water Macie entertains herself with food!
Since we are moving to Arizona, where EVERY house has a pool in the backyard, Mom decided it was imperative that I learn to swim ASAP. I have been improving my water skills and no longer fear the water. Check me out as I jump to Ian my swim instructor:
From now on I will be taking private lessons and am SUPER excited to learn without distraction.
When the weekend came we decided to take a family trip to the Zoo before Dad left. I was sure glad we did because they had all sorts of animals out for us to pet.
Macie enjoyed the trip to the Zoo for a while, but it was hot and sticky so she started to get cranky.
Her attitude improved when we went to the petting Zoo,
but took a turn for the worse as the hot sun made her overheat. Check out her awesome hair courtesy of sweat!
Although we didn't stay at the Zoo too long, our family enjoyed spending time together over the weekend.
I got to go to camp again the following week, and couldn't have been more excited to play!
I was on my best behavior, and one of the best listeners in class!!!
Our week was filled with trips to parks and other unimportant places, but we ended the week with a trip to the beauty shop for my first BIG GIRL HAIRCUT!!!
Mom was very proud of me for being so brave!!
I sat very still as she cut 2 inches off my hair and then styled it with a straightener. I think I looked pretty darn good!!
After my haircut we went to a park and I couldn't stop smiling, I just felt pretty!!!
Macie and I discovered that sliding down a slide together can be tons of fun,
and Macie has learned how to climb on the climber (not surprising since she is super fast and efficient at going up stairs).
Mom couldn't help but laugh as the two of us climbed next to one another. It is amazing how quickly time has flown by, and how much Macie has grown in the last year.
In a couple days we will celebrate Macie's first birthday, and I can't wait to see what fun is in store for our family.