Well, we did manage to get a little creative with our daily activities.
Mom has finally come to the realization that I am a BIG girl and am fully capable of helping out with tasks around the house. This week she let me help her make breakfast for the family. Macie was easy considering I only had to shake up her bottle, but I never knew how much work goes into making food. I had to help wash and cut the fruit and veggies needed to make Dad some apple/carrot juice, I had to crack and stir up my eggs and pureed spinach (used to make "green eggs" like Cat in the Hat) for my omelet, and I had to help Mom heat up last night's dinner for her breakfast (she is no a fan of breakfast foods and tends to eat whatever she can find in the fridge.) I enjoyed helping, but have decided it is a little TOO much work so I may just sit and watch for now... after all, I need all my energy so that I can eat!!!
While breakfast is being cooked Macie likes to hang out on the ground. Sometimes she plays with her buddies, but most of the time she just laughs and smiles. Her favorite thing to do is watch the madness going on in the kitchen. She is sure that she could get the job done more efficiently, and I am sure she will when she gets old enough (Mom says Macie is an observer and is going to be great at planning and instigating - I guess I will be the one putting all the plans into action.)
Venturing out of the neighborhood didn't happen too often this week, though the weather has been wonderful (in the mid 60's which is unseasonably warm for this time of year)! The flu scare in Columbus has limited the places we can go play because Mom and Dad don't want Macie to be exposed to all the sick kids, so we did a lot of playing outside of the house. Look how great I am getting at riding my tricycle...
While on my bike Mom and I practice the music terminology I have learned on Little Einsteins. For those if you whom are unfamiliar with the lingo, accelerando means to go fast and retardando means to go slow:
My obsession with everything princess is still in full effect, and this week we played a lot of dress up and beauty shop. Since I am finally able to sit still for about 5 minutes Mom painted my finger nails. I was SO excited, and couldn't stop showing them off!!
As much as I love being the one who gets all "dolled" up, I have found that it is also lots of fun to dress up my sister. Mom says that I am her muse, and rightfully so, Macie is mine!!! Check out how pretty she looks in her photo shoot (where I helped take the pictures)...
Macie is a lot like my dolls, only better.
I love being a big sister and don't mind sharing the spotlight with Macie... though Mom should remember who the star of the show is...
Despite all thethings going on around the house, Mom still finds time to spy on me. Check out this video she took without my knowledge...
At times when Mom is too busy with house chores to watch me play with my toys, Macie volunteers. She chills out on the couch watching my antics. There isn't much dialogue, but at least she doesn't interrupt like other people I know (Mom).
Thanks to daylight savings nightfall comes earlier than desired keeping most of my evening activities indoors. Sometimes Mom takes me outside to practice my tornadoes on the trampoline if Macie is sleeping, but most of the time I am stuck indoors and use the time to work on my tumbling in the basement. At open gym this week I got to show Mom and Dad how all that practice was paying off.
I begin by doing a bear crawl up the ladder and finish by walking across the balance beam.
Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and I am trying hard to get into the holiday spirit. Wait and see what I come up with...