Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween Hangover...

Life has been pretty dull since Halloween ended and the holiday festivities stopped. We partied too hard and ate way too much candy. We are still in a stupor...

I guess Thanksgiving is coming up soon, but so far I don't get all the hype. Mom has tried explaining the significance of the holiday, but come on, I'm only 2- none of that makes any sense to me. All I can figure is that it is a holiday where people get together and eat to much food- food which I do not really like. Turkey is ok, but all of the side dishes besides the mash potatoes are just plain gross. Last year all I ate was some mash, lots of peas and desert. Mom says to keep an open mind, but we will see. On the bright side we got to put up some new decorations, so that has been fun. A few pumpkins were allowed to say behind from Halloween but the scary stuff has been replaced by a couple turkeys, corn, weeds, and a scarecrow to make it more festive.

We have been spending lots of time at home as Mom is working on getting Macie on a routine schedule. Because of this Mom has been trying to find some new and fun activities to keep me amused. One of my new favorites has been making Jello.

The first time we set up station on the floor so we could make a mess and then proceeded to mix the jello and water. I really enjoyed using the wire whisk.

I was sad when I learned that Jello takes time to set. I had to wait a till the next morning to use the cookie cutters to make shapes. After I woke up and got dressed in my new uniform (my princess dress) we sat back down on the floor and made shapes.

The jello was fun to play with,

but it was even better to eat.

Having Macie on a schedule now has made everyone happier, including Macie. Now she sleeps, eats, and plays better. Check out her big silly grin:

Lately she has really begun to show a fondness towards mom. Whenever she sees her she greets her with a big smile. Check out this video of the two of them spending time "talking" with one another...

Each day more and more leaves fall from the trees. Our front yard trees are completely bare, but we still have a few in the back yard that are holding strong. The family decided that it was time to start clearing the leaves out and preparing the yard for a wet winter. We spent a whole day raking the back and made a BIG HUGE leaf pile- the biggest one yet! Dad and I seized this opportunity and played together in the pile.

He even buried me. Mom laughs that I am like a chameleon in this photo- can you find me???

We had a lot of fun in the yard, but still have another weekend of yard cleaning to do before we are leaf-free.

My obsession with everything princess is now in full force. I wear my princess dresses everywhere, and always ask to watch princess movies. Mom has so far let me watch Cinderella and Snow White. So far I can't make it through a whole movie and we stop halfway through for an intermission (food and potty break.) While shopping at the grocery store (in my princess dress which Mom lets me wear out of the house), Mom bought me a princess book with princess figurines. I was SO excited to get home and play with it that I was on my best behavior the whole time we shopped, and didn't even stray from her side to look at all the stuff on the shelves like usual. As if our shopping trip couldn't get any better we stopped on the way out to ride the penny pony.

Back at home I immediately took out my new book and toys and started to play. For 3 straight hours the princesses danced, played, and sang until all of us were exhausted and had to take a nap. After my nap I woke up and insisted on playing with the princess's once again. I was having lots of fun all by myself until I found that Mom had been spying on me with the camera as she tends to do. I heard her when she let out a chuckle and discovered her hiding under the pool table. After a shout of protest and my demands for her to "leave me alone" I discovered a fun new type of peek a boo- let's call it a "new twist on an old favorite":

Throughout the week I was kept busy playing with the princesses as I brought them through the yard and showed them all of my favorite things (notice I am still in a princess dress).

Macie is really enjoying bath time. As long as the water is warm and continuously flowing she is content.

She has recently been caught off guard by loud noises or sudden movement. Check out the look of fear/shock when Mom made a noise that scared her...

It's a funny picture (not the most flattering), but check out the size of her tummy- looks like I am going to have some competition.

Our calendar is bare for the upcoming weeks, so it looks like I am going to have to get creative. Check back soon to find out what I come up with...