Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pictures from Our Summer Trip to Wisconsin

Our cousin Sara recently sent us some amazing pictures that she took during our trip to the lake in Wisconsin this summer, and Mom insisted that we share them.

Macie and I sure enjoyed the lazy days of summer, and these pictures make us miss the time we spent with our amazing family!

Dad definitely enjoyed being back home with everyone!

Macie really enjoyed fishing; she looks so peaceful...

Mom couldn't believe that she wasn't grossed out by the slimy fish.  I'm a tad squeamish, but Macie has no fear!

She must get it from her Uncle Shawn...

One of our favorite things we did at the cabin was go TUBING!!!

I think we need a boat Mom and Dad...

The only thing more memorable than tubing was the time we spent with the family.  Macie and I really spent some quality time, not only with each other, but with Dad's extended family.

We ADORE Sara,

and LOVED playing with our Cousin Brayden!

Macie and I are already planning our next trip to Wisconsin, so we hope everyone is resting up!