Thursday, November 19, 2015

Halloween: it's FINALLY here!!!

The day of Halloween finally arrived!  All morning we eagerly counted down the minutes until it was costume time!  Mom let us choose what we wanted to be this year.  She was a little dissapointed when our choices didn't allow her to make a flamboyant, avant garde costume, but she was grateful that Macie gave her some creative freedom when designing her costume of choice.

Macie chose to be a vampire, and Mom strategically talked her into being a vampire bride.

I chose to be Hermoine Granger from Harry Potter.

Presley chose to Minnie Mouse.  Mom made her a fancy Minnie Mouse dress, but Presley saw this costume at Costco and her heart was set.  It's hard to say no to that face...

Nixon was NOT thrilled at the idea of putting on a costume, so Mom waited until the last minute to put him in his obligatory "Frankwick family first Halloween costume."

Getting everyone ready and out the door was exhausting for poor Mom, but she knew that we would pay her back for her efforts in candy, so it was all worth it!

Mom was grateful that our friend Helaina was at our house to help keep the little ones occupied!

We made it out the door, but before we could join our friends, got stopped by the paparazzi for pictures.

Macie got right into character.  We were all impressed with the finished product; perfect costume choice!

The chicken costume wasn't met with much enthusiasm, but Nixon didn't cry, so Mom called it a win.

We took some pictures with our neighborhood friends while we waited for our whole group to arrive.

Once everyone arrived we took off right away!

Some of us moved quicker than others...

Presley got the hang of things really quickly, and told Mom she didn't need her assistance anymore.

Our night of Trick or Treating was a success.  There were some great decorations, and even a few haunted houses.  Presley got scared a couple times, but once the "scary guy" gave her candy she decided he was nice!

Nixon had a fantastic time and quickly developed a new love for chocolate!

After walking the entire neighborhood, we were all ready to go back home.

The little ones were exhausted, and strung out on candy, and the rest of us were eager to compare our buckets full of treats.

The walk home was full of laughter and entertainment, and Presley kept telling us how much fun she had!

Back at the house, Mom put the little ones to bed and then invited everyone over for some food and Halloween movies.

By 9:30 pm all of us were "bent over full", and ready for bed.  We had such a fun month of October, and all wish this time of year would never end!

November is going to be a busy month. Macie and Dad are traveling to AZ for the Nascar race, and the family is going to San Diego for some Turkey and time at Disney, so check back soon to hear about the good times had by all.