Saturday, October 24, 2009

Now I know why they call it Fall

In California seasons tend to all have one type of weather; nice. In Ohio we actually have seasons that are distinctly different from one another. Summer was sunny, and on some days really hot and humid, and up until recently I couldn't understand what, aside from the cold weather, made Fall so special or unique.

Then the leaves started falling from the sky. Mom and I were fascinated!

The leaves began falling in the beginning of the month, but as of recent have been falling in droves. Mom and I spend hours raking the yard only to find that later in the afternoon the ground is once again covered. It is frustrating to think that our efforts are going unnoticed or unappreciated, so we came up with a new tactic and only rake once a week, usually on the weekends so that it can be a family affair.

This weekend Mom, Dad, Macie, and I spent the whole morning outside taking care of the lawn. Mom was in charge of raking, and Dad did lots of supervising and playing with the blower (he is, after all, the law). Once the leaves were made into big piles it was my turn to do my job- PLAY!!!

I had tons of fun jumping in and out of the piles, and got to have a leaf fight with my DAD.

You can't tell by the look of indifference on her face, but even Macie had fun in the leaves.

After we were done playing the whole family helped bag up the mess we had made.

Macie and I have been spending lots of time together and Mom is really impressed by how gentle I am with her, though she still insists upon watching me like a hawk. I keep trying to reassure Mom to relax because Macie is, after all, my BEST FRIEND, and I would never do anything to harm her.

The other day we had some fun around the house taking pictures together.

I even got to help Mom use the big girl camrea to take some pictures of Macie. Check out how cute she is...

She even stuck her tongue out at me when I laughed at her.

In Exciting Home News Mommy packed up the pump this week, and was sad to see it go. I, on the other hand, was very grateful because I couldn't stand it taking up so much of her time (good thing it will be another 3 years or so before we have to see it again). Before we put it away she let me play with it.

On the 25th we celebrated Macie's 2 month birthday. We dressed her up and took some pictures to show how big she has gotten. She may not appear large in photographs, but according to the doctor she weighed in at 9lbs 9oz and measured 22.5 in. I guess Macie's pictures need to come equipped with a warning like car mirrors stating that "objects are larger than they appear"

Mom was SO excited that Macie had grown so much in one month. She is now in the 50th percentile for height and the 25th for weight! The doctor told Mom that she was very proud of all of Macie's accomplishments, especially her improving communication skills. She smiles a ton, and makes all sorts of silly noises.

Macie isn't the only one growing up in the house. Check out what I can do ALL BY MYSELF! (I like to do it all, and DO NOT want any help from anyone!) Going number two has posed a small problem as I am not that great of a wiper. Sometimes Mom has to do some damage control when she notices the mess, but hey its just par for the course. Here I am doing some reading on the pot...

Mom thought it would be fun to take the same silly pics of Macie that she took of me when I was little to document the similarities and differences between us.

Macie is on the left and pictures of me are on the right:

We were about the same age (7 weeks) when Mom took these pictures and weight about the same. The main difference is that Macie is about 2 inches longer than I was.

To celebrate Macie's big 2 month birthday we decided to make some cupcakes and have a party. Caroline and Megan, our neighbors, came over to help us get ready for the party. Mom set up camp on the kitchen floor so that we didn't have to worry about making a mess while we cooked. It was fun helping put the different ingredients in the bowl, fascinating watching Caroline scoop the batter into the molds,

and AMAZING sampling the cuisine.

After all of the cupcakes tins were filled with batter Mom let us take the remaining batter left in the bowl outdoors to the picnic table to eat while the cupcakes were baking. It was every woman for themselves.

As you can see, we managed to lick the bowl clean.

I can't say the same for my face...

Once the cupcakes were cool, we got to frost and decorate them. I really enjoyed this part, but was very particular about placing the sprinkles.

When all the decorating was done the party began. Everyone got to sit down and sing Macie the birthday song, and once she blew out her candle we all got to eat our finished product. The cupcakes were amazing, and Macie really enjoyed the party.

Mom couldn't believe that I still had room in my little tummy to eat a whole cupcake.

The following day Mom and I went to the dentist. I was so excited to go and show off my pretty teeth. Mom and I had been practicing for many months and had finally perfected the art of brushing. I couldn't wait to show off my skills...

We arrived for our appointment, and Mom decided it was best that she go first so that she could tend to Macie when she woke from her nap. BIG mistake. After watching her have her teeth scraped, scrubbed, and polished (for an hour), I decided I DID NOT like the tools, the chair, or anything associated with the dentist- I was terriffied. Mom pleaded with me, and even tried bribery, but soon realized there was nothing that could get me to stay in the chair and have my teeth checked. The dentist suggested that we come back in a month, but I don't think my opinion will change...

Both Mom and Dad are getting pretty good at multi-tasking these days. Sometimes it seems that Mom has grown an extra arm, but more impressive is Dad's ability to feed Macie her bottle with one arm while still hanging out and playing with me.

Dad could take on Superman anyday! Somedays Macie and I go down to the Man Cave just to snuggle with him. This tops my list of favorite things to do!

Mom is almost completely done remodeling the house, and it looks great! Uncle Shawn is going to have to eat his words!

One of the last things that she is doing is re-hanging pictures, artwork, and miscellaneous wall decor. I have missed all of the mirrors lining the walls from our home in Huntington and Pa's house in San Diego, and was really excited when the mirror was placed down to my level so that I could entertain and amuse myself. Mom is considering purchasing and installing some full size mirrors to keep me occupied.

Halloween is rapidly approaching and the countdown is on!!! I am really excited for all the fun events to come and can't wait to tell you the stories of my upcoming adventures with my best friend Macie.