Post season baseball has been amazing, and the Yankees are doing AWESOME! Thanks to my support they will most likely make it to the World Series. The only thing I am not thrilled about is adjusting to watching baseball on East Coast time. I rarely am able to watch a full game since most don't start till my bed time. Regardless, I am still a fan and enjoy watching highlights on Sportscenter in the mornings.
The cold weather has pressured Mom to explore indoor activities. At first I was a little hesitant about the idea, but I started gymnastics classes this past week and am LOVING it! Being stuck indoors can be fun after all!!!
Because I only have class once a week Mom takes me to open gym at the Dublin Rec Center whenever she can. This week we went to Open Gym Family Night and I got to run around and play with all sorts of things. I had a lot of fun working on my somersaults, but still have a long way to go...
With Halloween rapidly approaching Mom decided it was time to finally carve our pumpkins. We set out our equipment on the front porch one morning and went to town.
On Thursday night Mom, Macie and I suited up in costume and set off to pick up Caroline and Megan to go Trick or Treating. Dressing up like a Kangaroo sure was fun this year, and my outfit was once again a big hit (I think the tutu adds the perfect finishing touch)!
Dad got back on Friday night in time for Open Gym. Mom dressed Macie and I up in our holiday apparel and the whole family went out for some fun. Dad and I practiced walking on the balance beam, and even Macie gave it a try.
I showed Dad how I learned to do a spider crawl earlier in the week (like a bear crawl but sideways) and he was really impressed.
Mom was a little frustrated that the one thing I really wanted to do was play on the trampoline even though I have one at home. She kept encouraging me to play on all the other things, but I sure love to jump.
Macie watched in awe of all the amazing things I was doing, and can't wait to join in the fun.
The next day was Halloween- I could not believe it, it was finally here!!! After Dad spent the rainy and cold morning at the DMV we suited back up in our costumes (over layers of warm clothes) and went back to Boo at the Zoo!!!! The rain had stopped, but even bundled up I had to keep moving so I wouldn't get chilly.
The animals were glad that I had finally arrived, as I brought them much needed entertainment. Even the snake snuggled up to me when he recognized that I was back.
On our way to visit the Kangaroos Dad and I took a ride on the Scareousel together.
As expected, it did not disappoint.
The family had an amazing time seeing all the fun things decorated for Halloween. It was a little too cold for Macie, so she stayed wrapped up in the stroller and slept while I played.
Even Mom loosened up a little bit and rode a wild boar with me.
The scary train ride was closed for the evening, so Dad and I took a horsey ride instead. In retrospect I am very glad that the train was closed down because riding the horse dressed as a kangaroo gained some much needed attention from the crowd. I did my due diligence and gave them my best "cheese" smile as I rode through the trail.
We spent the whole afternoon at the Zoo, but as twilight approached we had to end our visit to the Zoo as it was time to trick or treat. Dad had spent some time on the computer the previous week and had found a county close to ours where they still trick or treat on Halloween! We said our good byes to all my animal friends and were on our way!
Dad and I had a great time collecting candy from all the houses and I was sure glad that we got to spend that special time together. I know that this is one memory I will look back upon and smile.
We stayed out till my little legs were too tired to move, and when we got home I went straight to bed (an unusual thing, considering I didn't even have the energy to go through my candy.)
I woke up early the next morning and insisted on seeing my candy. Mom told me that the stipulation was that I got myself dressed, so I picked out my favorite outfit and went downstairs.
After breakfast Mom helped me dump out my pumpkin and we counted all the candy!
I had a ton, and after we were done sorting the candy into piles according to yumminess (chocolate being the best and smarties being the worst), Mom let me pick one piece to eat.
I chose a bag of skittles and went out to the garage to eat them. After a few minutes Mom came out the check and see how I was doing, and I let her know exactly how I felt...
Just in case you couldn't understand, I informed her that candy makes me happy and makes my teeth feel good.
Later that afternoon after I woke from my nap the family packed up all our Halloween decorations. Mom left me alone with my Halloween stickers while her and Dad were taking down the lights. When they came back in the house they found that I had decorated myself. I think I did a pretty good job. Mom was just glad I didn't stick them on the furniture again (I guess they are a little hard to remove...)
Halloween was amazing this year, and I can only imagine that it gets better and better especially since my little sister will be able to join in the fun. Can't wait to see what Macie and I will be next year...