Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fun in Ohio!!!

We have been in Ohio for 2 weeks now, and have finally settled in to or new home. The first week was a little rough- we were living out of a hotel waiting for the moving truck to bring our stuff from California. During that time Mom and I spent our days cleaning up the house, touring this new city, and playing in my new back yard with Jax (yes, he made it here safe and sound).

Jax and I had a party to celebrate our arrival at our new house in Ohio and Jax couldn't have been happier that the family was together again.

Our house is just outside of Columbus in a town called Dublin. It is not that different from California aside from the fact that there are no mountains, and everything is green (thanks to all the rain). The town we live in is really nice and pretty, and anything we could ever want is within a 5 mile drive from our house. Grocery Stores, restaraunts, shopping centers- there is even a zoo and water park less than 5 minutes away!

To celebrate our first weekend in Ohio the family had a picnic at a local park and I got to roam around in the flowers.

I told you Ohio was beautiful...
We had an awesome day, and I sure enjoyed being outdoors in the sunlight.
By the end of our first week the moving truck showed up with our stuff and we moved into the house. Unpacking was a tedious task and I am glad that my only job was playing nicely and staying out of trouble (which I managed to do for the most part).

The first thing that Mom and Dad unpacked and set up was my highchair- this allowed me to resume my feedings without constant help. As you can see I have gotten really good at using a fork and, as of recently, have been allowed to use a butter knife to practice cutting.

I have the most fun cutting up my eggs at breakfast!!!

I have decided that breakfast is my FAVORITE meal of the day, not just because I LOVE eating eggs, but because I have discovered all sorts of yummy foods that I am able to feed myself. Check me out as I eat my own bowl of cereal, WITHOUT HELP, for the first time:

Mom was so nervous as she watched each bite leave the bowl and head for my mouth- she was sure that there was going to be a disaster, but I showed her!!!

My new "thing" when I eat is to stack foods on one another. Mom thinks its really weird, but Grandma Judy got me hooked on eating "eggs on bread", so now I HAVE to combine items together. I have eaten some things that most individuals would find unsatisfying together, but it makes eating WAY more fun. For example I like broccoli on beans (baked), peas on pasta, cottage cheese on berries, peanut butter on bananas, and the most odd; oranges on applesauce. Here I am stacking bread on bread (the only way I will eat it plain).

Because I have proven to be good at feeding myself Mom often leaves me unattended to eat snacks during the day. Sometimes she regrets her decisions...

It took about a week to set up, but check out how cool my back yard is. I have a trampoline, a swing set with sandbox, a playhouse, and a cube slide!!!

There is always something fun to do!

The best part of my backyard is the fact that it is fenced in completely! Mom lets me have my freedom to run around by myself in the backyard and explore. I am learning to use my imagination and have learned lots of fun new games to play.

The really cool thing about my new swing set is that there are 4 swings- 2 baby swings, and 2 big kid swings. Usually Mom and Dad have to push me in the baby sings, but here the big kid swings are low enough to the ground that I am able to get on them all by myself. Mom has tried to teach me how to "pump" my legs and use momentum to push myself, but so far I need her help to get moving.

Recently Mom has taken a new fascination with reading. I guess she found some books she really likes (Auntie Stephanie knows which books I am talking about) because, when she can, she is always reading. We have a really neat deck in the back yard where Mom sits and reads her books, and I love it because I am able to roam around the yard and play. Most afternoons we sit on the deck and enjoy our lunch. Because the weather has been incredibly warm and sunny (not to mention HUMID) I am able to wear only my diaper.

The backyard rule is that I must have shoes on when leaving the deck area, so I usually grab my favorite rain boots to wear. Some fashion statement huh?

Unfortunately for Mom, I don't keep my clothes on too long. Sometimes, if she is in the middle of a good part in her book, I am able to streak through the yard. Once she hears my laughter and looks up the fun is over.

I have to admit, I was a little concerned when we arrived in town, I wasn't sure they would have all the cool things that they did in California, like parks, kids clubs, or friends, but to my surprise they DID!! Mom even took me to Chuck E Cheese one afternoon- I couldn't believe that Chucky came all the way to Ohio!

As promised, once we had everything unpacked, Mom took me to the pet store to buy a Dorothy (fish). I had been wanting one ever since I started watching Elmo, and was so excited that I was finally going to get one of my own. After minutes of contemplation I chose a blue fish whom I named Bingo. When we got him home we set up his bowl with some pretty rocks and Mom helped me feed him. I think he is really going to like it here, and I make sure to visit him as often as I can.

The other day, while Mom was cleaning, Bingo and I were hanging out in the living room when I decided that he looked a little hungry. I looked around for his food, grateful that Mom had placed it on a shelf that I could reach. I gave him a decent amount of food and ran into the kitchen enthusiastic and eager to tell Mom what I had done.

"Mom Riley feed Bingo" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face. Mom took the fish food from my hand and congratulated me- that was, until she realized that I had figured out how to open the food and had ACTUALLY fed him. When it registered, she ran over to Bingo and with a shocked look on her face exclaimed "Riley what did you do?" to which I replied, again, "Mom Riley feed Bingo."

She immediately picked up Bingo in his tank and took him to the kitchen. Before she cleaned his tank she decided to take some pictures to help us remember the incident in the future (I guess there was something funny about it). If you look closely you will see that the first inch of his tank is full of food pellets. I thought he deserved a big snack, but apparently it was a little too much...

Last weekend Dad came home from the hardware store with a gift for Mom. He bought her a lounge chair so that she could sit and read her books comfortably. Too bad for Mom I have taken a liking to lounging...

I think the chair has officially become mine.

Mom and I are really enjoying our new home, and our new city. We miss our family and friends, but are settling in well and have taken quite a liking to Ohio. Most days we take care of errands and chores in the morning, and after my nap in the afternoon, spend the rest of the day playing in the yard together. Singing has become one of the favorite pastimes, and Mom makes up silly songs for me to sing- we practice EVERY day. Here is the musical debut of my very own song written by Mom and produced by Riley- The single is available for purchase if anyone is interested...

Our new house has a really neat basement which we turned into Daddy's man cave. Down there we put the big screen TV with Rock Band, and Dad and I spend MANY hours together playing Master of Puppets- check us out.

Because I LOVE to rock out, Mom and Dad thought that it was important that I learned how to properly do the symbol. My little fingers are getting more agile every day and I am almost able to do it...

I sure have one proud Daddy!

Speaking of Daddy, he seems a LOT happier at his job here in Ohio, and has more time to spend at home with Mommy and me. We are really glad to she him happy and can't wait to spoil him this upcoming Father's day. Aren't Daddies the best!!!!!