Friday, November 7, 2014

Nixon Frankwick is here!!!!

 Nixon Xavier Frankwick 
Born October 22nd at 4:49pm.  
6lbs 15oz, 20in.

It was a good thing Mom took those maternity pictures, because at her next doctor's appointment the doctor checked Mom and informed her that she was dilated to 7cm and needed to go straight to the hospital.  Of course Mom went home first (in her defense she wasn't feeling any contractions and figured she'd be OK for an hour).  She cleaned up, packed the car, prepared our school items for the following day, and waited for Dad to finish up at work. They were both so grateful that after all the anxiety over the past weeks, the timing of the birth worked out perfectly. Grandma Joanie had flown in from Wisconsin a few days earlier, and stayed home with Presley while Will was able to pick us up from school.

Mom and Dad went to the hospital mid day.  When they checked in Mom wasn't feeling her contractions, so her and Dad hung out together while the doctors filled out the admittance paperwork and waited for a birthing room- apparently tons of women were having babies that day.  Once a room was open, the nurses took Mom back.  She was fortunate that she didn't feel like she was in labor, because they sure took their sweet time.

After the doctor on call checked Mom, he informed her that they were going to break her water. Mom and Dad knew that go time would come quick.  They broke her water at 4:20 pm, and the timer began.  After 15 minutes Mom got a little concerned that she wasn't feeling any contractions, and hoped that labor would not linger on for hours(I guess you never know). Hayley wanted to make sure the baby beat Presley's record of 39 minutes, so the pressure was on. After 20 minutes Mom only had a single contraction and then out of nowhere she got 3 BIG ones in 3 minutes and knew it was time to push.  The baby was born less than a few minutes later, and Mom was shocked at how fast everything happened- under 29 minutes!  The doctor jokingly stated (over and over) that Mom should have babies for a living.

Mom and Dad named him Nixon (no reference to the president or the watch company, Mom just thought it was different and sounded cool).

Mom breathed a sigh of relief when the doctors handed her a healthy baby boy!

She didn't get a chance to hold him long.  The doctors quickly took him to bathe, weigh, etc.

It seemed like forever before they handed him back to her.  She was so happy that she didn't want to put him down.

She finally let go of him when she realized that Dad needed, and really wanted, to hold his new son.

When the nurses took the baby for some testing Dad went home to put Macie, Presley, and I to bed.  That evening he came back with Grandma Joanie and everyone took turns passing him around.

The first night in the hospital, Nixon slept incredibly well.  Mom would have if the nurses didn't wake her up every 3 hours!  The following day Mom sat in bed admiring Nixon and waiting for the doctors to release her.

It wasn't until the evening that a doctor finally came to see both Mom and the baby. By that time the doctors informed Mom that she needed to stay an additional 24 hours for observation, and poor Mom almost lost it.  I guess sitting in a hospital bed eating and watching tv isn't mom's idea of a good time.  Luckily she had a buddy to keep her company.

Mom and Nixon were FINALLY released from the hospital that following afternoon and we were all eager to meet our new brother (thanks to a hospital policy and current health concerns, children under 16 were not allowed to visit the hospital). 

Mom couldn't wait to bring him home to his family!

Dad was pretty excited as well; he couldn't wait to share football Sunday with Nixon.

When they got home, Macie, Presley, and I were all playing outdoors with Grandma Joanie.  When Mom came through the door Presley shrieked with joy and ran to look at the new baby.  We were all shocked at her acceptance of the baby.

Macie and I couldn't believe that our new brother was finally here!!

Nixon's first night home was a success.  We all went to bed on time, and Nixon slept well for a newborn.  The next morning, Mom and Dad let us hold him.  We couldn't believe how small he was...

The first 4 days flew by SO fast, and Dad never stopped smiling.

We have a TON of stuff going on over the next week; a trip to AZ, Halloween, a wedding- life is going to be crazy!  Mom, Grandma, Macie, Presley, Nixon, and I leave town Wednesday morning, so the next few days are going to be spent packing and preparing.  Mom is fortunate to have Will and Grandma at home because poor Dad has a club grand opening at the beginning of November and is swamped at work. I

Check back soon to see how we survived it all.