Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's time to move...

It has been a crazy busy month, so I apologize for the lack of posts.  Mom and Dad have been frantically packing for our big move into the NEW HOUSE!  Most of our time this month has been spent running around town for paperwork, signatures, etc., so there hasn't been much time for play.  At the beginning of the month Macie and I were invited to a princess party at Anya's house.  We welcomed the break from all the work at home and were super excited to dress up like princesses.

The party was awesome; there was a real princess, as well as someone that made princess balloon animals!!!

Presley enjoyed all the activity at the party!

The following week I started my FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!!!!

Sophie and I met on our walk to school- Mom couldn't stop laughing at the fact that our backpacks were bigger than we were.

Before going into class we posed for a picture with BIG smiles- we were SO excited to start our day!

My first day went extremely well, as did the entire first week of school. 

 Mom and I had fun planning out my different outfits. Lately I have been designing new hair styles for Mom to try. 


 While I am at school Mom and Macie hang out with Presley-

She has been having lots of tummy time, and has even rolled over a time or two.

 All that work often leaves her exhausted...

Dad has been super busy with work and travel this month, so Uncle Will has been a huge help with our big move.  Here is a picture of Will and I one night before bed.  We are both holding big babies!

On the 15th of the month we got the keys to our new house!!! The family was SO excited to get settled in!

The sellers were such nice people that they left each of us a special stuffed animal in our room- we were so surprised and excited by their kindness.

 Presley loved her new bunny, and spent lots of time holding her and laughing.

 When the weekend came Mom and Dad took a break for a family swim- even Presley put on her suit to join in the fun!

 While we were swimming Miss Alicia stopped by the house to say Hi and spent some time holding Presley. 

 At school the next week we started a color project at school.  Each day we had to wear a different color.  On blue day we also took school pictures- Mom made me a special outfit for the occasion.

Mom laughed that I lost my second tooth just in time for pictures:

The next day, on Orange day, Macie started her first day of Preschool in the RAINBOW ROOM.  She was SO excited when she woke up!

Mom couldn't believe how big her little girls had become!

Here is Macie walking into her classroom!

She has a blast on her first day- when Mom picked up her and Graham from school they couldn't stop talking about how much fun their first day was.

The rest of the week went quickly.  Macie only goes to school 3 days, so on the other 2 she is home with Mom and Presley.  They spent ALL of their time moving from one house to the other- lots of work.  I guess Macie keeps Presley occupied while Mom works around the house.


 I have enjoyed my breaks from moving while at school.  Here I am leaving the car on yellow day:

and here I am posing in my outfit for Green day.

I was SO excited about my new silver shoes that I couldn't stop posing to show them off.

In the midst of all the excitement, Presley turned 4 months old!  At the doctor Mom found out that Presley has grown a ton.  She now weighs 13 pounds and measures 25 inches long!

Mom says that is why she is difficult to carry in the infant seat now (Dad and Uncle Will do most of the carrying these days)!

She is still an absolute angel and we can't get enough of her!

Presley enjoys babbling, and trying to keep up with our conversations in the house:

Grandma Judy flew into visit us the last week of the month.  She knew we would need a ton of help, and Mom was glad that she would have an extra set of hands.

Check  back soon to hear about all the fun we had while Grandma Judy was visiting...