Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day was filled with fun this year!

Our family started the morning off eating heart shaped omelets and it only got better from there. After dressing in our kissing tutu's (they had lips all over them) we made sure to let Dad know just how much we loved him by showering him with hugs and kisses!!

After a few pictures Macie got restless and decided it was time to turn on the charm:

She still needs a little practice with her smile, so I showed her how I have perfected it:

Macie just laughed, and continued to do her own thing.

Between Mom (who hides from the camera) and Macie (who could care less about the camera) I guess I will have to step up and carry the family in the picture department; darn...

Our Valentines morning was amazing and my day at school was filled with love and hugs. At home in the evening our family celebrated the arrival of its newest addition, check back soon to find out details...