Monday, March 1, 2010

California Trip; Week Two!!!

Back at the beach the sun was shining, and life was GOOD!

The family woke early, excited to be in San Diego, and went straight to the beach where we played in the sand and enjoyed the early morning sun.

After Macie's morning nap the family spent some time at the Ocean. Dad and I ran in and out of the waves, and marveled at the one-of-a-kind February climate.

We walked up and down the shoreline collecting shells, and founds tons of intact sand dollars which are really rare to find in the late morning! While we were frolicking on the shore Mom fed Macie her morning snack of pears. Macie seemed to enjoy her first picnic on the beach!

When she was done eating it was time for play! Dad took her out to the water and she touched the Pacific Ocean for the first time!!!

It was official, Macie had made it to the ocean and Mom couldn't contain her excitement! She promises that one day we will all be beach bums together.

Before heading back to the house we took a family picture. Despite the numerous takes, this was the best we could get (you could tell I was getting restless).

We spent the whole day basking in the sun, and then had dinner with some good friends. Full, filthy, and exhausted from a day of play we went home to Grandma's to rest up. After I was cleaned and put to bed it was Macie's turn. She didn't like bathing in Grandma's bathtub, so after a few moments of brainstorming Mom came up with an alternate, yet brilliant idea!

She placed the Bumbo chair in the sink and to her surprise it fit perfectly! Macie loved her new bath, and remained warm since the Bumbo allowed water to stay pooled in the bottom.

The next morning we woke up and went straight to the bay. Macie really enjoyed being outside in the sun- we are going to have SO much fun when spring finally makes it to Ohio!

While Macie and Mom played in the grass Dad and I took a walk along the bay. I picked Macie some flowers and put them in her hair.

I love my little sister, and according to Mom she absolutely adores me. Check out how much fun we have together:

After running a few errands in the afternoon awe went out to the Umbarger's to spend time with our family.

Uncle Randy and I hung out in his tractor trailer. Check out the super cool seat he made just for me!!!

Afterwards I walked through the orchard and picked some oranges. Uncle (Aunt) Liz helped me peel and eat them, and boy were they yummy!!!

Back inside Connie and I played around with Chloe. I call her the Chloester. Here I am with Chloe in her handbag.

I am grateful that Macie is so content all the time, because I require, and DEMAND, a TON of attention!

We had an amazing time with my family, and Macie has fit right in to the mix- We can't (nor do we want to) remember what life was like without her.

The next morning Mom, Dad, Macie, and I went out bright and early to a park by the bay. Mom was super excited that we got to use our AWESOME new stroller (so excited in fact she even posed for a picture)!!!

At the park we all enjoyed a ride on the swings.

Here is a video of Macie and I on the swings:

When the swings became yesterdays news, I tore through the playground, running and climbing. While I was occupying my own time Dad and Macie decided it was time to try out the slide.

Before they could go down Mom insisted on getting her video camera. I don't know why she has to film EVERYTHING Macie does, I guess she was excited to see Macie's reaction...

Although her first ride down the slide didn't produce much enthusiasm Mom was still pleased that she didn't cry!

Before Dad had to fly back to Ohio the family had a picnic on the bay.

It was really sad seeing Dad leave for the airport. Pa came and picked him up, and I broke down as the two of them drove away. To alleviate the tears Mom took us inside and put us to bed. After our naps we went to visit Miss Paula, Kristin Salinas' Mommy. Macie got to meet her for the first time, and I was excited to be back at her house of fun!

After chasing the kitties, playing the piano, and being spoiled with presents, snacks, and attention I went outside to see Mary before leaving. I always ask Mom about Mary in Miss Paula's garden, and was super excited to give her a big hug!

Back at Grandma Judy's Macie and I put on our jammies and got ready for bed. Mom kept remarking how tall Macie was getting, so she placed us next to each other to take a picture. I think I am a good foot taller, but Mom thinks its a little more like 6 inches. Macie goes to the doctor for her 6 month check up when we get home so we will see...

The next morning we woke up and went out to the ball field to watch Pa play. I felt like a super star. I got to wear Pa's hat and go into the dugout like one of the guys!

After his game we went to Lake Murray to feed the ducks. Pa brought bread for me to toss, and boy did those ducks come quacking! It was super warm out in East County, and Mom hadn't come prepared- in Ohio it is so cold that shorts and other warm weather clothing are unheard of. I was sweating in my thermal top and sweats.

As the day went on, I began to lose layers...

Here I am in my top and undies while fishing with my stick.

Before long I had taken matters into my own hands and stripped down to my skives and shoes where I was much more comfortable.

It was a ton of fun hanging out around the lake, and Macie and Pa shared some laughs as he played with her in the Bumbo (which we now take EVERYWHERE.)

I was super excited when Miss Linda showed up with my friends Aidan and AJ. All of us got together and ran around yelling and wreaking havoc.

During our tirade Pa tried his "cool dude" shades on Macie, and she really enjoyed them!

We became envious of the fun they were having, so Aidan and I all put some shades on as well, and we all made silly faces while Mom tried to take some pictures.

It was so entertaining that I just kept on coming up with new ones...

The afternoon at the park was filled with excitement, and it left me exhausted. Both Macie and I were glad to got to spend time with Pa, but were ready for some long naps.

While Mom loaded up the car Pa and I took some hot laps around the parking lot. If I keep hanging around Pa I will be road ready in no time!

The next morning we drove up to UTC to see Miss Renee and her kids. I couldn't wait to play with Emmy and Brady, and was really excited to see how big Maddy was since we had last seen her in July.

Emmy and I hadn't skipped a beat, and picked up right where we left off.

Poor Miss Renee had her hands full while we shopped through the mall. Mom doesn't know how she manages to stay sane and look so put together with all the work she has to do...

We enjoyed playing at the mall and even got to eat lunch while watching the figure skaters dance on the ice. With naps approaching for most of the crew Mom and Renee said their goodbyes. All of us were sad to go, but we look forward to playing together again soon!

We took an evening in to re cooperate, and it was a good thing we did because the rest of the week was full of non-stop fun! On Wednesday we picked up Grandma Jean and went to the ball park to watch PA's game. I had a lot of fun cheering him on.

After the game was done the family went back to Lake Murray for a picnic with the ducks. Grandma Jean and I feasted on some berries and animal crackers.

When we were finished eating it was approaching 11am, and it felt more like the middle of June than February. Mom had dressed me in a sweatsuit at 6am, not planning that it would be so warm inland. She didn't know what to do- she sure didn't want me running around in my undies again like last time, but hadn't brought any warm weather clothing (since my last year's summer wear was in storage back home.) She had some extra clothes in the car, but all of mine were long sleeve tops and long pants (we haven't purchased any warm weather clothes for me since last summer because Ohio weather doesn't exactly allow us to wear shorts and tanks). The only thing Mom could do was hope that one of Macie's rompers would fit like a short dress. She slipped it over my head, and luckily it was long enough to cover my behind. What mom didn't account for was that she could also button the bottoms.

She was shocked when, not only did it fit, but it looked cute!!! Can you believe this romper is size 6-9 months??? I tore around in it all afternoon, and actually got MANY compliments on how cute my outfit was...

This trip to the lake the big ducks came out for some food, and since they are friends with Pa, they let me get up close and personal.

Macie enjoyed playing with her Pa again, and was enthralled by his face as she kept touching and grabbing.

That afternoon we went down to the beach to visit Grandma Jensen and bring her a Valentine's surprise.

As soon as we walked in the door Macie started laughing and giggling as she loved all the bright colors at Grandma Jensen's.

We played with Grandma Jensen's bird for a while, and I almost managed to get him on the ladder...

All the play made my stomach growl with hunger, and I announced to everyone that would listen that I needed some sushi right away!

Mom, Grandma Judy, Macie and I all said our goodbyes to Grandma Jensen and went to my favorite sushi place. Here I am telling Mom that I want a rainbow roll:

After dinner we walked up to the Ocean and watched the sun set over the water.

Life just doesn't get any better, or more beautiful, than this.

Or does it... Check back soon for details of week 3 of my trip.