Monday, January 5, 2009

Ho Ho Ho

The anticipation of Christmas continued to build as the December rains fell. Mom and Dad kept busy unpacking boxes but I was becoming antsy. I had grown tired of playing indoors so Pa took me outside to feel the rain. I liked it so much that Mom put on my rain gear and let me run around.

It doesn't' rain much in Southern California, so this was one of my first "real" experiences in the rain. I really enjoyed stomping around in the puddles and making a mess.

I was only allowed to play outside for a little while and before I was back to square one. I had to use my imagination and be creative with my choice of indoor activities, so my friend Kia and I put our heads together and found that taking rides in the shopping cart could provide hours of fun.

The day before Christmas Mom was busy taking care of things around the house so I got to spend some time with Aunt Hayley. We did all sorts of fun things, and can you believe it, she even gave me a tattoo! It was a butterfly and I loved looking at myself in the mirror. Mom thought it was really cute, but informed me that it better be the only tattoo I EVER get!

That night, before dinner, I got to open the final window on my advent calendar.

As you can see I thoroughly enjoyed the last piece.

Mom made a special dinner on Christmas Eve and the family all sat down together to enjoy it, I even got my own big girl plate and seat!

After dinner I was allowed to open one gift, and I wisely chose the biggest. It was a gift from Grandma Judy, and when I opened it I was so excited- she had bought me a bike! I had a blast riding it throughout the house, and it even makes missile noises when I push the buttons.

After I was tuckered out from all the playing, Mom dressed me in my jammies and we sat down for our annual Christmas Eve Grinch-a-thon. It is quickly becoming my favorite movie, just like my Mom!

I woke up early on Christmas morning, eager to get the celebration started. While Mom was in the kitchen making breakfast Dad and Pa were eerily looking a little too similar lounging on the couch.... (Can you even tell them apart?)

After breakfast Grandma Jean and the Umbarger family came over to celebrate Christmas.

While everyone else kept busy pigging out in the kitchen Grandma Jean and I went straight for the presents. She gave me a really cool horse that I can ride throughout the house.

I love horses!

After the family feasted on the smorgasbord, we relaxed in the living room listening to Christmas music when all of a sudden I heard a jingle coming from outside. I looked at mom, confused, hoping to understand the noise that was slowly getting louder. She had a big grin on her face and exclaimed, "Riley, it's Santa!" I shrieked with joy and ran to the window to peer at the big bearded man walking across the front porch.

At first I stared at him in disbelief, as I couldn't believe he was actually here!

I was eager to meet him, and waved for him to come on in.

Mom and I quickly let him in. I bet he was glad to come in the door instead of the chimney because Pa had built a big fire that morning!

Santa walked in the door and greeted us with a big "ho ho ho."

Not only did Santa bring some Christmas cheer, but he brought he me a big bag of toys since I had been such a good girl.

I opened all sorts of cool presents, and couldn't believe that Santa knew exactly what I wanted!

After we opened all of my gifts, Santa told me that he had to head back to the North Pole. I sat on his lap and gave him a big hug to thank him for all the great presents he had brought for me.

My second Christmas was filled with lots of family fun, and I am grateful for the wonderful family that I am able to spend time with.

Once Christmas was over reality hit- Mom, Dad, and I still had lots of packing and moving to do, and our hectic holiday schedule hasn't made it any easier. We are looking forward to spending a relaxing New Years back at home before we move, and can't wait to see Grandma Joanie when she comes next week.

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year's and knows how grateful I am for all the wonderful people I have in my life!