A Happy Hello from Miss Riley Jean!!!
As most of you know, I am about to have my first birthday! Mom and Dad say that this first year has flown by. For me, it has been a year of learning, exploring, and discovering. I Can't believe all the things I have learned to do; Here is a list of the most recent:
#1- I have learned how to give hugs!
At first I would hold an object up and tilt my head towards it (my favorite toy to hug is my dolly)
Mom and Dad love it when I give HUGS!
Not only can I give good hugs, but I can brush hair (#2). I really enjoy brushing Mommies hair after we get out of the tub. Here you can see me brushing Daddies.
Watching Mom and Dad use utensils gave me the urge to give it a try. Using a fork hits my list at number 3.
Unfortunately the big people fork was too long for me to get the food in my mouth, and I ended up with more food on my lap than in my mouth!
The best and final new thing I learned to do this past week is WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grandma had told Mom and Dad that I was taking steps, but it wasn't until June 28th that I decided to walk across the room all-by-myself for the first time! Mom and Dad's jaws about hit the floor and they shrieked with excitement. I still walk around using furniture for support, but am able to cross the room when I feel the need. (There will be some great videos of me walking posted on the next blog, so make sure to check back later)
After I showed off my walking skills Mom and Dad decided to celebrate. They brought home some sushi and we all sat down at the table for a celebratory dinner. It was my first time eating sushi, and using chopsticks, but as you can see I had a fun time trying.
After finding them a little too difficult to use, I opted for the easy way out...
I made a mess, but really enjoyed my first California Roll!
Since I was doing so many "big-girl" things, I decided it was time to have my first energy drink. Mom has one EVERY day, and since I have started to mimic everything she does I though I would give it a try. Mom thought it was funny when she caught me on the floor sipping the empty can.
Mom says they are addicting and that I should stay away from them, but there is something about the bright blue can that keeps me yearning for more...
This past Thursday the 3rd we drove down to the boat to see PA for his birthday.
It was great- Grandma Jean, Connie, Randy, Ryan, and Liz were there, Uncle Chris was BBQ-ing, and my friend Eva and her family stopped by as well! There were all sorts of people there to celebrate and we spent the day playing around. Eva showed me all the things she can do (she is 5 months older than me) and I can't wait to be able to keep up with her.
Eva's Mom and Dad even showed us how to fish!
The two of us had so much fun together through out the day that Eva drank an entire bottle and passed out... Mom says the picture reminds her of a lot of friends she went to college with.
Later that evening Mom bathed me in the boat sink. I guess she thought it was cleaner than the boathouse showers, but I don't know...
After my bath I got to explore the back bedroom and enjoyed the view from my bedroom window.
The next day was the 4th of July! Mom made special outfits for the both of us which we proudly showed off to everyone at the docks! We were VERY PROUD to wear red, white, and blue to celebrate our Nation's Holiday and all the men and women who fought to give us freedom.
Later that night I got to stay up late to watch the firework show. I really enjoyed all the pretty colors that lit up the sky.
The next morning I woke up EARLY and walked thorough out the boat. Mom even let me figure out the stairs on my own. I only fell a couple of times, and now can get around the boat on my own.