One morning while Mom was taking some boxes to the recycling bin she got an idea. I was in the back yard in my car and saw the whole thing from beginning to end. First, she stopped in her tracks, and I could see the wheels in her head turning. Next thing you know boxes, scissors, and duct tape were lying all over the yard. Before long she had constructed what she called my new fort. Now, I've never had a fort before, and don't know what they are supposed to look like, but this one is AWESOME! There are windows, mirrors, pictures, and all sorts of neat things for me to touch. My favorite is the flooring in the "living room" made of bubble wrap. I could stomp on that for hours.
Dad laughed when he came home from work and saw the monstrosity (its not easy on the eye, but it will do just fine for me!)
Fourth and I became good buddies this week. She lets me pet her from time to time, although I tend to get too excited and shriek with excitement scaring her away. Mom noticed that I have a special name for Fourth, and greet her with it. To the "big people" it sounds like "ih-ie", but at least mom knows whom I am referring to.
I have become quite a big girl but I still enjoy my time in the Johnny Jumper. I know that mom puts me there when she needs a free hand and can't keep a constant eye on me, but I don't mind the restraints because I make the best of it...
Last weekend we celebrated my FIRST Father's Day with the bestest Daddy in the whole world! Mom and I woke up early to decorate the house and make him a special breakfast. We made signs and drew pictures that we put EVERYWHERE! Dad was excited when we all sat down for his Daddy's Day breakfast- and I even got my own plate!
Pancakes, eggs, and cantaloupe- it was AWESOME!
After breakfast the whole family took the "deet" (Jackson) to the beach to play ball. I had a great time watching all the other "deets" run around! When we got back home Mom and Dad gave me a special gift- Mommy's old computer from college. I guess they figured out how much I enjoyed banging on Daddies and gave me one of my own. I love to turn it on and listen to all the noise it can make!
We enjoyed spending a relaxing day at home pampering the greatest Daddy in the world!!!!!
Oh, yeah- I can't believe it has taken me this long to tell you:
The pain from my teeth subsided this week as my 5 new teeth finally surfaced!!!! I now have a mouth full of chompers and Mom jokingly calls me Jaws.For some reason, with the new teeth has come this urge to bite. The other day Mom and I were playing in the front room and I strolled over to her and bit her hard on the knee. She yelped from what I can imagine was pain coupled with a bit of shock, and would you believe I left a mark? I guess I don't know my own strengths. Mom now warns everyone to be weary...
Just when I thought that my week was going to be boring I got a great surprise; Grandma Schafer came to visit us! I sure enjoyed hanging out with her. She showed me all sorts of silly things, including my NEW FAVORITE face:
She also taught me how to play chase. Mom isn't too happy about that because now I want to play all the time.
Grandma brought her surf board to our house so that she could play out in the Ocean. She told me all about surfing, and I became quite curious so Mom and I went down to the beach one morning to see Grandma in action. Before she went out she showed me how to hang 10.
What a workout! While Grandma was busy catching the waves Mom and I had a picnic on the beach. I got to sit in the Froggy chair that my Great Grandma Schafer gave me. Mom kept trying to keep me out of the direct sun, but I found that hats are more fun to play with than to wear. As you can see I was in the process of taking it off...
We feasted on snacks as we watched the surfers, and Mom was really excited when I learned how to open the box and get my own crackers.
After we ate Mom and I played on the beach for a while, and I practiced putting on sunglasses.
How do I look?
All that action wore me out and I got back in my chair to relax. As you can see I really enjoy lounging...
Grandma really wanted to take me out in the Ocean with her, but she settled for a swim in the spa when we got home instead.
Grandma was able to stay and play with me for 4 WHOLE days and I was very grateful that I got to spend so much time with her. I showed her all my tricks: my waving, my high-fiving, my clapping; I even let her see me walk! Though she only saw me take 3 steps, that's a trick I haven't even shown to Mom or Dad yet. What a lucky Grandma!
I was sad to see Grandma go on Sunday morning after all the fun we'd had, but Mom and Dad made me feel better by taking me to my friend Bella's house.
We had a fun time in the pool, but I WAS NOT HAPPY when Mom tried to dunk me under the water. Since Bella enjoyed it so much I guess she thought I would- boy was she WRONG!
When we got out of the pool she tried to comfort me by holding me. Dad laughed at us and said that something just didn't seem right...
Now that our couple weeks of downtime is over life is back in the fast lane. Pa's birthday is coming up, we are having a 4th of July party at the boat, and my FIRST birthday is on the 12th of July! Lots more fun to come...