On Sunday I got to go to my first NFL football game. Mommy, Daddy, and I tailgated in the parking lot before the game with Linda, Cal, Grandpa Schafer, Debbie, and Mikey. Inside the stadium there was a lot to look at. I enjoyed all the interesting people and laughed at them as they made lots of noises. Mom said that I behaved very well at my first game, and that I will enjoy them more and more as I get older!
After the game we drove back home to get ready for my first Halloween. Mom and I searched all over for costumes but we couldn't find any. The sales clerk said that many stores were sold out. Mom was so sad that I may not have a costume. She was determined not to ruin my first Halloween so we drove around to more stores on Tuesday. We finally found a costume at the last store we went to on Tuesday night. Mom said that it was fate because it was the exact costume she was looking for.
That night we got to hand out candy to Trick-or-Treaters at Jeny Gray's house. Mom let me wear the Halloween present that mommy bought me. It was a new shirt that said "I vant your candy", mom walked around all night saying that to everyone we saw. Dad started to go nuts! My first Halloween was a ton of fun.
We went back down to San Diego on Friday night to spend time with Mommy's family while Daddy went golfing. I loved sitting with Great Grandma Schafer on Saturday; she was rubbing my head and it made me happy! Mom let me wear my Halloween outfit again since she thought it was funny...
Even though we had a fun time in San Diego I was glad to return home to be with Jax and 4th!
Our family is keeping Auntie Karen and the family in our prayers and sending them our love and blessings.