Thursday, September 13, 2007

So Big!

I had my 2 month birthday on Wednesday, too bad I had to spend the morning at the Dr. Office. I had to get 4 immunization shots in my leg and I think it hurt mommy more than it hurt me (she cried more than I did)! Mommy was so proud of me when the doctor told her that I was 9lbs 13oz and 21 inches long; they said that I am thriving! It must be because I still LOVE to eat. I have a cry I reserve for when I am hungry. It's more of a whine than a cry, but when mommy hears it she knows exactly what I want.
The doctor said that I am advancing quickly and am freakishly strong! I already grip items with my hands, and can pick up my head when I am lying on my tummy! Mom jokes that it looks like I am trying to do a "girly" pushup. I am working on scooting across the blankie but get tired after a couple minutes of trying.
The morning is still my favortie time of day and I spend it making noises, laughing, and smiling! This new world is sure a fun place to be.