Sunday, April 17, 2016

Easter Fun with the Frankwick's

Who knew taking pictures with the Easter Bunny was such an event?!?!?

Here is the final picture, but WOW did it take way too much effort to get to this point in our day...

Not only did we have to get dressed and show up early in the day, but we had to wait for almost an hour.  Unfortunately it wasn't due to the crowds; there was one person taking photos, sorting packages, and taking payment.  It look each family almost 10min!  Mom was thankful that Uncle Will came along because he was able to keep an eye on us while she waited in line.  He took us over to a grass field where we could run around and take pictures.

There are some days when Macie and I are the best of friends, and Mom was ecstatic that Uncle Will was able to capture this moment.

It was pretty cute when Presley ran up and joined in our hug!

Nixon wasn't too thrilled to have his picture taken and kept running from the camera.

When Mom got close to the front we joined her in line.  After 5 minutes we got restless and tried everything we could to get wet, dirty, etc.

Nixon was genuinely shocked that Mom kept telling him "no."

He is lucky that he is still young and can get away with disobeying her to an extent.  The rest of us aren't that lucky.

Poor Presley had the hardest time of all of us.  Not only was it hot, but she was hungry and tired. 

FINALLY we made it to the front of the line.  By then our smiles weren't nearly as bright as the sun.

The photographer tried about 20 shots, and couldn't seem to get all of us to look at him.  Uncle Will was able to sneak in a few pictures before he had to put his camera away.

We were all grateful when Mom found a suitable picture.  We didn't want to go through that again!

The following day we went to an Easter festival at a local church.  The event was amazing; there were bounce houses, rides, food, and all sorts of fun.

They even had an Easter Bunny!  This time the wait was minimal, and each of us got to take some extra time to sit with the Bunny alone.

While Macie and I rode some of the big rides, Presley and Nixon got to tour a police car, a fire truck, and an ambulance.

 Presley and Nixon participated in the egg hunt for kids 3 and under, but due to the amount of people (it was a chaotic mess) they only got two eggs each.  Mom had to practically lay on top of the eggs so that no one else would snag them out of the little ones hands.  She couldn't believe how greedy and ferocious some of the other parents were.

Before taking Presley and Nixon home for nap time, Mom took Presley for a ride on the giant slide.  Presley LOVED it:

Macie and I stayed with Uncle Will for a few more hours of fun.  When the time came for the Easter egg hunt for our age group we were ready.  Thanks to Mom we knew to avoid the large crowds and run to the back of the field.

Thousands of people lined the ropes waiting for the horn to sound.

Not only did we manage to find about 15 eggs each, but we made it out of the crowd unscathed. 

That afternoon Macie and I decided to put on an egg hunt for Presley and Nixon.  We felt bad that their earlier experience put a bad taste in their mouth.  We sorted our eggs and candy, and then filled eggs for hiding.  We both agreed that it was more fun hiding eggs then it was finding them!

After nap time, Presley and Nixon got their baskets ready and we released them into the yard...

Nixon did a great job finding eggs, and got so excited each time he put a new one in his basket!

While Mom was making dinner we dyed Easter eggs.

To no ones surprise, Nixon was not interested in crafting eggs.  All he wanted to do was SWING:

Mom thought that we did a nice job decorating on our own!

That night we left out some carrots and miscellaneous snacks for the Bunny, and prayed that he would bring us baskets in the morning (due to our recent behavior we were a little uneasy).

We were both excited and relived when we found filled baskets downstairs on Easter morning.

Mom was once again irritated that the Bunny made a mess with the food we left out.  There was a trail of carrot and celery leading to the back door (at that moment she missed having Jackson there to clean up the mess).

Before going outdoors to hunt eggs, Mom let us eat a chocolate bunny for breakfast!  No one could believe our luck...

Fueled by chocolate, we made our way outdoors!

Once all of the eggs were collected in the yard, the family sat at the table where we opened the eggs and sorted our treasure.

After a quick breakfast we got ready for church.  Before leaving for service we took some family pictures.

Getting everyone to look at the camera at the same time was beyond frustrating...

Despite their desire to dress up, Mom was proud of her boys for putting on their Easter attire and smiling (Isn't Dad's shirt awesome!!!).

Dad was quite the trooper.  Not only did he wear that fantastic Easter shirt, but he let Mom do his hair like Nixon's!

Our family spent the afternoon enjoying each other's company.  It was a beautiful day, and we took full advantage of the amazing weather.

By the end of the day we were all full and exhausted.  Poor Nixon could barley keep his head up at the dinner table.

We enjoyed some book time before bed, and Mom was grateful that we were all getting along.

Our Easter was nice and relaxing this year, but Spring Break was over and we had to go back to school the following day.  Mom had no sympathy for our lamentations.  We were only going to school for 2 days before leaving for a two week California vacation.  Check back to hear about our trip from the sand to the snow.