Saturday, January 16, 2016

Happy Birthday Jesus!

The family woke up the morning of the 24th ready to kick start the Christmas holiday! While Mom continued to unpack the house and prep the food, we played inside and got some much needed rest.  Poor Presley, Nixon, and Mom were all feeling under the weather and running fevers, so we couldn't go to Church service and infect everyone around us.  Sadly, our annual Christmas Eve tradition had to be put on hold this year. We still managed to do things at home, though it was all toned down.  After some naps (for all of us), we did some holiday baking so that Santa had something to snack on when he stopped at our house later that night.  Macie, Presley, and I all wore the aprons that Grandma Judy made us (she personalized each one- Macie got cats, Presley got Minnie Mouse, and I got dolphins)!

We couldn't believe our luck when Mom gave us the cooled dough, a rolling pin, some flour, cookie cutters, and left us on our own!

While we were learning, through trial and error, how to make proper gingerbread cookies, Mom found a Christmas apron from a few years ago and put in on Nixon- she didn't want him to feel left out.  We all laughed as he ran through the house looking like a little gingerbread man- for a sick kid, he sure had a pretty good attitude!

In between hot laps through the kitchen, Mom managed to get us all together for a group shot!

After some expressed frustration regarding the state of our cookies, Mom came in to help us.  Dad couldn't help but laugh at Mom who came to the counter looking like she was dressed for a winter storm.  A t-shirt, sweatshirt, and a puffy jacket bordered on excessive (in her defense, she was not feeling well).

After showing us how to properly roll out the dough, place the cookie cutters, and transfer the cookies to the baking sheet, we were on a roll.

While waiting for the cookies to bake, Macie played trucks with Nixon who wasn't at all interested in spending time in the kitchen with the rest of us.

When the cookies were finally done cooling we got to decorate!!!  Macie was hoping that she could get away with eating the frosting and candy when Mom wasn't looking...

She strategically spilled a bunch so that she could eat the scraps on the table...

I was a little more methodical with my decorating.  Unfortunately, Mom, who chose NOT to follow the recipe when making the frosting, was reminded why baking is a precise science.  It was on the runny side, and made detailing the cookies difficult.

Presley didn't seem to mind the sloppy consistency.  She spent most of her decorating time snacking...

Our finished products weren't going to win any awards this year, but tasted fine, and no one was complaining when it came time to eat them.

After an informal family dinner consisting of ham, potato, and veggies, we showered and prepared to open our Christmas Eve present.

To our utter shock and amazement, we each received new pajamas like we do every Christmas Eve!

After posing for 100 pictures, Mom was certain that there would be at least one where all 4 of us were looking at the camera!  All cozy in our pajamas, we sat on the couch and watched our Christmas videos sent from Santa.  We were all a little nervous about their content, and based our behavior over the last year, we had reason to be. 

The video messages were fascinating.  Each one was personalized with pictures and very specific facts about each of us.  We were all on the edge of our seats waiting to hear the news...

It turned out that we didn't make it on the good list this year, but we also didn't make it on the naughty list. Mom advised us to be very grateful for that fact.

Once all the videos were over it was time for Mom's favorite Christmas Eve Tradition:  A family viewing of  Dr.Suess' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

While Mom was putting Presley and Nixon to sleep, Macie and I worked on our letters to Santa.  Mom advised Macie to write Santa a nice, neat letter apologizing for her most recent outburst in which she jokingly asked for some obnoxious items. Instead she just listed ALL of the things she currently desired (most of which Mom had never heard her express interest in)...

I had been a little smarter when joking about the items I wanted for Christmas, although I continued to waver regarding my wish list as it changed on a daily basis.

We set our notes and snacks in front of the fire and hoped that Santa would enjoy them during his brief pit stop at our house.  Macie was a little concerned about Santa making it down the chimney this year.  Every house Macie has lived in, up until now, has had a working fireplace and chimney.  Our current house has a gas fireplace with no visible indoor access.  She spent way too much time pondering the different ways he was going to manage to remove the glass and get inside with the gifts.

We all had a difficult time sleeping that night as the anticipation for the following morning was weighing heavily on our minds.  Bright and early the next morning Mom kept us contained upstairs with a short Christmas movie while she went downstairs to prepare for our entrance.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dad opened the flood gates and out we poured down the stairs.

Before we could go into the living room, Mom insisted that we take the obligatory Christmas morning pictures before things got to hectic.

Before we knew it, the time had come and we rushed to the living room.  We discovered that Santa had indeed come!!!  He ate our snacks (without making too much of a mess), and left each of us a letter, a stocking full of goodies and a few gifts.  We took turns reading our personalized letter out loud before opening our stockings.

I went first:

As Santa's letter had indicated, my stocking was full of all things that screamed excitement (I hope you are catching my extreme sarcasm).  Underwear, socks, a toothbrush, flash cards...

I did get some glasses with rhinestones and no lenses- I LOVE the nerd look!

Macie went next:

Her stocking was full of much of the same; socks, undies, work books...

Mom was really hoping that Santa's words would have the most affect on Presley since she was SO enamored by him this season.

Along with a number of necessities, Presley did score some cool sun glasses in her stocking,

She was most excited about the back scratcher she discovered!  She had been wanting one for months.  Each time she went to the grocery store with Mom she would try and take one from the checkout.

Nixon's letter included some words that were written with the hopes that Presley would hear them and understand that her brother was choosing to share his gifts with her because he adores her.

Nixon's stocking was filled with sippy cups, a winter hat and mittens, and other needed items.

He seemed most excited at all the packages of drinkable applesauce- he let out a shriek of excitement when Dad helped him pull them out of the stocking.

He also got some sunglasses of his very own.  Mom was grateful that he no longer had to walk around wearing Presley's shades.

Nixon spent lots of time that day strutting through the house showing off his new look...

After everyone had opened their stockings, Mom let us open the few items that Santa had left for each of us.  Macie and I were a little anxious after reading the content of our letters.

Macie went first, and discovered a new trash can for her bedroom!

Her second gift was priceless:

Macie learned a hard life lesson that morning:  Be careful what you wish for...

Mom was grateful that this learning experience came with laughter instead of tears.  Macie had such a great attitude about everything that Mom was thrilled to see her smile when she opened her final gift from Santa (the one frivolous item that she received).

I opened my presents next, and to my surprise, I got a huge fluffy body pillow!  I had been envying Mom's pillow for months and couldn't believe my luck!

My last Santa gift brought the biggest smile to my face.  I got my very own makeup kit complete with shadows, lipstick, blush, and brushes! At that moment I was incredibly grateful that I have so many siblings to practice on!

Presley went next, and got something that she had been wanting for months...

Her very own fish!!!! She named him Prancer.

Nixon was the last to open his gift from Santa.  Despite his young age, he was sure ready and willing to rip off the wrapping paper and discover the item hiding beneath it.

We all crowded around the gift and didn't come up for air until Mom called us to the table for breakfast.

Before eating, the family partook in another one of our favorite Christmas traditions. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus:

After stuffing our faces we cleaned up the living room and spent the next hour enjoying the gifts we received that morning. 

Both Presley and Nixon were no longer running fevers, but were still recovering from their colds, so they took extra long naps that day.  Mom told us that we wouldn't be opening any presents under the tree until that afternoon, and she was incredibly surprised and grateful when no one complained or tried to convince her otherwise.

During nap time Dad helped us build the Rockstar Lego stage that Macie got from Santa.  It turned out to be relatively time consuming, but it gave us extra time to spend with Dad and we were incredibly proud when we successfully created a working stage!

Presley and Nixon were able to get a good solid 3 hours of rest and both woke up ready for some more Christmas fun.

We opened Christmas gifts from family, and were all thrilled with the special items we received.

Mom was grateful for all the hours of entertainment these gifts were guaranteed to provide!

 After opening our new scooters from Grandma Joanie, Macie and I bundled up and rushed outdoors.

While we were zooming around the yard Dad read some books to Nixon.

As Mom was prepping for dinner we played together in the backyard with an all time favorite gift from the past:  the bubble machine.

After an informal dinner we opened a few more presents from family.

Macie and I couldn't stop laughing at the fact that, without knowing, we had each bought the same Yo-Yo's at the Christmas store for one another. 

As the end of the evening drew near, exhaustion from a long day began to set in.  Dressed in pajamas and new robes (thank you Grandma Jean!) we spend the remainder of our Christmas snuggling together as a family.

Despite fevers and colds preventing us from participating in our annual Christmas traditions, it was nice having a mellow, casual holiday at home. 

We have another week off of school and are excited to sleep in and be lazy!  Mom is thrilled that we have no where to be and can wake up and plan each day as it comes.  

I am excited to see what fun activities will close out 2015 for our family- check back soon to hear all about it!!!