Monday, September 28, 2015

School has Officially Began!

I can't believe that everyone is growing up so quickly...

Not only did we start school this week, but Macie celebrated her 6th Birthday- so much excitement!

 This year Macie entered the First Grade; she could hardly wait to see all her friends!

I started the Third Grade this year, but wasn't nearly as excited as Macie. I knew that the start of school meant the end of fun and the beginning of schedules.  Not to mention getting up early- yuck!  You can tell by the look on my face that I am exhausted and was simply placating Mom by smiling for all the pictures she took that morning.

 Mom was sad watching us walk down the steps- she wished Summer would last forever!

The day after school started Macie celebrated her 6th birthday.  Mom surprised her with an early morning birthday breakfast, and Macie was thrilled to see a big pink box of donuts sitting on the table!  She couldn't believe that the family had done all of this just for her (it was really sweet).

 Mom let Macie pick out her own clothes for school that day, and we were all pretty impressed with her choice- it was festive, and everything matched (not a usual occurrence).

 Mom, Uncle Will, Presley, and Nixon, all joined Macie for lunch at school.  Mom offered to bring Macie food from ANYWHERE in Vegas, and poor Macie couldn't think of a single thing she wanted to eat besides cupcakes.  After picking up 3 dozen mini cupcakes for her and her classmates, Mom made Macie a grilled cheese and Macie was happy (she is fairly easy to please, most of the time she just wants to be included or recognized).

To celebrate her birthday, Dad took Macie and I ice skating while Mom stayed home with the little ones.  We couldn't wait to get back out on the ice!!!

Dad made us do 20 laps around the rink using the skate trainers before he allowed us to free skate.

When we finally finished, Macie spent most of her time stalking the professional skaters, trying to mimic their tricks!

 After we were finished skating, Dad treated us to some gumballs (which we are usually not allowed to eat),

and on the way out we got some Powerades and popcorn-talk about a FUN afternoon!!!

When we got back home Mom surprised us with some trays of yummy treats.  Cake balls, chocolate covered fruit; we were in Heaven!!!

That night we had a big birthday dinner to celebrate Macie turning the big 6!

 A few days later poor Nixon had to have surgery to fix a minor problem.  Despite being woken up at 5am, he was in good spirits and had a smile on his face the whole time.

Poor Mom had a difficult time watching them wheel him into the operating room, but his smile couldn't help but warm her heart!

His surgery went exceptionally well, and he came home happy and hungry.

The following day Nixon had to go to the doctor for his follow up, and Presley was SUPER excited to see the DONKEY!  She spent most of her time in the hallway making hee-haw noises at the wall.  To Mom's disgust she even kissed the painting.

Nixon got two thumbs up from the doctor, so Mom took the little ones back home to celebrate.  Presley found Macie's birthday hat and ran around singing the birthday song over and over.  Mom couldn't decide if that was better than the donkey noises...

The first few weeks of school went well for both Macie and I.  Macie's favorite part of her day is lunch and recess while mine is library.  I must say, I also REALLY enjoy our morning photo shoots before school!

I love coming up with different poses.  Sometimes, when we are running late, Mom gets frustrated because I insist upon taking several different shots.

The other kids like taking pictures as well, but Mom finds it hard to get Macie to stand still long enough to snap a picture.


Presley enjoys taking pictures from time to time, but her smile still tends to look more like a grimace:

Check out this cute pair of shoes Mom decked out for Presley; she looked adorable wearing them!

A couple of weeks after school started we had picture day.  Mom let us pick our our own outfits (her approval was required), and she was excited with our choices.  Macie wanted to wear my dress that I wore for my first grade picture (can't believe we wear the same size), and I chose a new dress that Mom adores and lovingly named the "June Cleaver" (I guess she was Mom's idol; a character whom she aspired to be when she grew up).

 First Grade School Picture Day:

Third Grade School Picture Day:

Presley and Nixon have been enjoying their time home alone with Mom.  Lots of fun and laughter fill the house...

Nixon continues to get better at climbing up and down the stairs, and boy is he crawling FAST now:

Mom can't keep him in one spot for long.  The only place that he will remain sedentary, and enjoy it, is the Johnny Jumper.  He outgrew the one we had, so Mom had to get creative.  She shortened the strap so that he can jump adequately, and he LOVES it again!!!  Presley's favorite thing to do is swing him back and forth.  Mom discourages it, but when no one is looking...

They have a great time together, and despite Mom's verbose disdain for noise, she wouldn't know what to do if she found herself in a silent house (;

 We have lots more fun things happening through the rest of the month.  The soccer season is about to start, and we have lots of visitors coming our way, so check back soon to hear all about the fun!