Friday, April 18, 2014

March Madness

The months are getting busy as we approach the end of the school year.  As a result, time is flying by!

After getting back from California at the end of February, Mom and Dad surprised us with some AMAZING news...

The baby is due in October!  I am SO excited to be the big, big, big, sister, and Macie can't wait to be a big, big sister!!!

Our family has been spending lots of time taking it easy together.  On the weekends we have had lots of  birthday parties and events.  Here are a few pictures from a birthday party we went to at the farm:

We all got to take turns riding ponies,

taking hayrides,

and picking vegetables to eat from the garden.

We also helped Dean's family throw him a Star Wars laser tag party.  Mom and Dad dressed up to make it more fun for the kids.  Dad loved being Darth Vader while Mom was grateful that no one could tell she was the crazy lady dressed up like an Ewok (she had to google the images to see what an Ewok looked like since she has NEVER seen Star Wars).

We had a blast playing laser tag in their backyard!

Our family had a fun day!

That week we celebrated Dad's birthday by taking him to Golden Corral (macie and I insisted).  It was a nice and mellow celebration, and the family enjoyed  being together even if the food wasn't Dad's first choice.

That coming week was St.Patrick's Day, and at school we had to make Leprechaun traps. 

I designed a trap for the Leprechaun and then we all helped put it together.  Even Presley joined in the fun...

We built a little house, and I thought we could lure him inside with the promise of gold...

 I made sure to decorate it with pretty flowers and lots of sparkle!


Inside Mom helped me create a nice space for him to hang out after he is trapped.

I was SO excited to bring it to school to see if I would be one of the lucky ones to actually catch a leprechaun.

The morning of St.Patrick's Day Mom surprised us with green eggs and ham.  They looked cool, but both Macie and I were tentative...

Presley couldn't care less and dug right in!


I was so excited to put on the new outfit Mom made me for my special day!

 After I went to school, Mom dressed Macie as a little leprechaun and she celebrated a fun day at Chaparral.  Mom even put special green snacks in her lunch (she used coloring spray to spray her sandwich and her pirate booty)!

That weekend my front tooth was wiggly.  I was very persistent, and during Yoga on Saturday, I pulled it out myself...

It wasn't long before the second one followed...

The weather in Arizona is still pleasant in March, so Mom decided to take us to the zoo before it gets too hot.  Macie made sure to pose with her favorite orangutang,

while we posed Presley in the clam shell.

Our family finished out the end of the month, excited that Presley would soon be celebrating her very first birthday!  We are SO grateful for our baby sister, and can't believe how fast she grew up.  She brings so much laughter into our lives...

and despite Mom not enjoying all of our games, is SO much fun to play with...

 She is SO incredibly awesome!  It won't be long before she is chasing us through the house.

No matter where we are, or what we are doing, she brings joy to our lives!

Mom and Dad can't believe that before we know it there will be 4 of us... 

So glad we get to add another to our crew!