Our week at home was non eventful, so by Friday we were ready for some FUN! In the morning the family had a special birthday breakfast for Dad, to celebrate his BIG day! After breakfast Mom let us dress up in honor of St.Patrick's Day since we would be traveling for the weekend. Macie and I loved our festive outfits and couldn't wait to pose for the camera:
After school that day our family drove out to San Diego for a quick, last-minute trip. Mom and Dad realized they needed to get their taxes done and time was running out. Mom wasn't supposed to travel, but they rolled the dice and prayed that she wouldn't deliver a baby on the drive. Everything was fine, and we arrived in Alpine late Friday night. The family went out for some birthday Pizza with Pa, and after dinner we checked into our hotel where Macie and I both passed out, tired from our LONG drive. In the morning we woke up bright and EARLY, ready for some action. Because Mom and Dad were tired and NOT at all ready to wake up, they turned on the TV and let us veg out with some cartoons for an hour while they slept a little longer.
The family ate an interesting continental breakfast at the hotel, but despite the lackluster food, it was fun eating with the family in our jammies.
Dad couldn't resist taking a picture as Macie gave Mommy's tummy (and her sister) tons of kisses!
Stuffed full of food, we went back to the room so that Dad could get a little more rest. Mom took Macie and I out back to explore the hotel grounds- It was beautiful out in the country. While Mom lounged out in the sun, she sent Macie and I on a scavenger hunt where we collected all sorts of treasures- from pine cones and rocks to shells and bugs.
By 11am we were ready to check out and head to Pa's house. Before leaving we made sure to pose for some pictures.
We got to Pa's house around noon that day and spent most of our day playing in the yard. Grandma Jean came over to see us and brought Dad a yummy chocolate cake for his birthday- bet you can't guess who dove right into that...
Good thing she left some for the rest of us, because it sure was good!
After cake we were all in a sugar coma and had to relax for a while. I sat and snuggled with Pa and Mr. Moo while Mom changed Macie out of her play clothes.
When she came back, Macie got to spend some time nicely petting Mr. Moo while I changed.
Before leaving, Pa set up a tee and Macie showed him the skills she'd learned at school.
He was so impressed, that he gave her the tee to take home!
It was really great seeing Pa, Michelle, and Grandma Jean, and we were glad to have had the opportunity to spend time with them!
Later that day we went to visit with Mommy's friend from high school. Miss Alyssa and her daughters, Addie and Elle, met us at a park to play, and we all had a blast!
Macie and I had fun taking Addie around- we are going to have SO much fun with a little sister!!!
After dinner that night we drove down to the beach and checked into our hotel. While Macie and I were in the bath, Mom and Dad did some light remodeling to make the room more family friendly...
That night was an adventure; Macie kept waking up and yelling at Dad to "STOP snoring", while I slept SO soundly that I peed the bed (it took poor Dad a few minutes to figure out why his leg was wet). Despite the minor setbacks, we all woke up with smiles and went downstairs to eat another interesting continental breakfast courtesy of the hotel.
Mom and Dad dropped Macie and I off at Grandma Judy's later that morning. While they were stuck in an office building doing their taxes, Macie and I had a blast with Grandma. After making us some green eggs for St.Patrick's Day, we went on a treasure hunt for shamrocks and did all sorts of holiday themed crafts. At lunch we all helped make green pizza and cookies- it was fun helping out in the kitchen.
When Mom and Dad came back to pick us up we were in the back yard playing with some worms that came from the compost pile. Both Grandma and I were grossed out by the bugs, but Macie was fascinated!
Mom couldn't believe she wasn't afraid of them, and cringed a bit when she bent down and touched them...
After thanking Grandma and saying goodbye, we drove out to Mission Valley to see Uncle Ryan, Aunt Liz, and OUR NEW COUSIN Avery!!!! We arrived at their house a little early, but spent time running around and exploring their condo complex.
At their house we met the baby, and Mom couldn't stop smiling- I think she is getting REALLY excited for the arrival of our new baby sister!!!
While Aunt Connie was holding her Grand baby I couldn't help but stare in awe- Avery had the cutest little fingers and toes. I was fascinated by her, and am ready to be a big helper when my sister arrives!
Thanks to Ryan and Liz, we all got to eat some yummy pizza before hitting the road and driving back to Arizona.
After a quick 6 hour drive we made it back to Arizona and Mom was still pregnant! Our trip had been a success, and it was great seeing all our family and friends! We hope that Dad enjoyed his birthday weekend- he asked us not to make a big fuss about it, but none the less, we hoped he enjoyed the time we spent together as a family.
We hope that his 40th year will be full of love, fun, and great experiences. For his birthday this year he got a bunch of new equipment for his "studio", so we hope that all his "rockstar" dreams come true; we LOVE YOU DAD!!!!!