Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Summer of Fun!!!

 We got home from California just in time to prepare for a HUGE event: My FIFTH birthday!!!!

We didn't plan much since we had my party the previous month, but  celebration was still in order.  Mom decorated the kitchen with all sorts of silly streamers and birthday decor, and cut out TONS of little 5's which were everywhere!

I was sure excited to sit down for a birthday breakfast of pancakes, strawberries, and syrup!

 Mom found some silly crowns in the cupboard so she placed a big five on the front of mine.

While Macie was eating she picked up a five, turned it backwards, and said "mommy, it's a 2." Mom couldn't stop laughing at Macie's ingenuity and taped her 2 to the front of her crown.

Then silly Uncle Brad picked up a 2 and a 5 and said "hey, it's a 25".  We all got a good laugh out of that!

After breakfast we picked up our friend Genevieve and went to celebrate at Chuck E Cheese!

Mom couldn't stop taking pictures- it wouldn't have been SO bad if she hadn't insisted that I pose with a "5" every time...

Macie walked around posing with her version of "2's" (Mom and Dad love that her 2 is the rock out symbol).

We had fun playing games and feasting on AWESOME pizza!

Chuck E. Cheese even  came out to wish me a special birthday!



After rest time that day the whole family went to RA for some birthday SUSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a blast eating and laughing together!

After sushi we had an after party at home where I opened presents!

I was pumped when I opened Mom's gift- my VERY OWN sewing machine!!!!!!!!!!!! (my one bday request).

I made out like a bandit this year, and couldn't have been more thankful to everyone!

Once the presents were finished everyone sang me happy birthday and we all feasted on CAKE!!!!

After my big day Macie and I were tired.  We spent the weekend with family and conserved our energy for the following week of Dr. Suess CAMP at gymnastics.  Here we are dressed in our silly outfits ready for our first day together!

Camp went great, and Macie and I had an amazing time!!!!!!

We have a fun time at camp, but the best part of the week was YOGA!  Now that I am 5 I get to go to my very own class.  Mom had a hard time talking me into "athletic wear", so we came up with something that suited the dress code requirement and was still stylish...

For the rest of July we spent time enjoying the pool:

We swam at home, Lifetime, Uncle Will's, Aunt Hayley's; we swam EVERYWHERE!!!

When Uncle Will was with us he would bring his underwater camera and take silly pictures with us! Here we are at Aunt Hayley's for an afternoon BBQ:

Another day we lounged at Uncle Will's resort pool- though she hasn't been feeling well (: , Mom even joined in on the fun.

By the beginning of August Macie and I had swam SO much that we had turned into little mermaids!  I can go down the water slide all by myself, and Macie can SWIM without floaties!!!!!!!!!!!

Here I am on the slide:

Here is Macie belly flopping off the diving board- she loves it!!!:

Here is Macie swimming on her own:

To celebrate, the family went to Wet n Wild for some fun in the sun (it's been over 115 degrees lately).

We all had such a great time that we went back 3 times that week- and guess who joined us...GRANDMA JUDY!!!  She came to stay with us for a few days, and we had a TON of fun.

Here we are eating hotdogs and pasta- a silly recipe she found online:


It worked out well that Grandma came when she did, because Mom and Dad were able to sneak away for some fun with friends at the IRON MAIDEN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom came home raving about how incredibly AWESOME it was!!!!!!!!

I was bummed I couldn't join in on the fun, so they bought me my very own "Eddie" shirt!


Aside from pool time Mom stayed entertained by this new Iphone App called "I'd cap that".  It adds captions randomly to pictures- here are some of our favorites:



The month of August flew by and it was time to start school.  Both Macie and I were excited, and Mom even let us pick out our own outfits...


We made our walk along the path and stopped at our photo bench to capture this special day.

Macie was a champ on her first day, and even ushered poor Mom out of the classroom.  We made a bunch of new friends and had an amazing time.  We leave for Wisconsin in two days, so won't be in school long, but we can't wait to spend time with Daddy's family- it will be two weeks of good times!!!!!!!!!

Before we leave, we will share some big news (in the same fashion we shared it with Dad)...

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!