This past year has been full of many experiences that Mom and Dad will never forget. Though I may not remember all of the fun and many "firsts," I will always remember that I have a family who loves me more than ANYTHING in the whole world.
Ok, Ok, enough with the sap, let's get to the good stuff:
Grandma Schafer always told Mom that God gives you time to adjust to life with a new baby. Well, Mom's adjustment period is OFFICIALLY over. Now that I can walk, she has to watch my every move. Just look at me go:
It's crazy how quickly it all happened. One day I was holding onto furniture, the next I was traipsing throughout the house. Mom says I wanted to impress her by walking by my First Birthday. Speaking of Birthday, here's how my Birthday weekend went:
On Thursday night we drove down to Grandma Schafer's house. I had fallen asleep in the car and woke up to Grandma's silly laugh when we got there. I was so excited that I jumped up and started playing with her. Mom informed me that it was night time and not play time, but Grandma and I managed to sneak a couple minutes of fun in before Mom turned out the lights.
When I woke the next morning Mom told me that she had a busy day planned and that I would be staying with Grandma. Oh Boy!, I thought, - a WHOLE day with Grandma! I knew she wouldn't disappoint me...
We took a walk down to the Ocean after breakfast and played in the sand. I loved the feel of the sand beneath my toes and enjoyed stomping on it.
I met a silly girl in the sand. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it, but something about her just didn't seem right...
In the afternoon we went to the bay and Grandma had hoped that I would join her for a swim. The water was a little too cold for my liking, but we enjoyed splashing around anyways. Mom came back in the early evening and we all went out for a BIRTHDAY dinner. We went to a sushi restaurant and I got to order MY OWN California Roll. While I was waiting for it to arrive I ate some edamame.
Soon my California roll showed up- rice, avocado, crab, what a great combination!
After dinner I got a big piece of birthday cake, and Mom and Grandma sang me the birthday song.
After dinner we went back to Grandma's and I got to open some birthday gifts. I got some new boats for the bathtub, and a NEW POOL!
I said goodbye and thank you to Grandma as Mom packed up the car. I fell asleep as we drove out to Grandpa Ron's. The next morning Mom greeted me with a birthday song and proceeded to dress me in the special birthday outfit she made for me. As you can see I was still a little sleepy and a little bit stunned from all the morning activity.
A half an hour later, and lots more alert, I joined Mom, Dad, and Pa for a birthday breakfast. Mom made me pancakes for my special day.
After breakfast came the fun part- PRESENTS! Knowing how much I LOVE balloons, Pa brought me a whole bunch. They were scattered throughout the living room and I really enjoyed playing with them
I got a cool drum from Mom and Dad that makes lots of noise. It didn't take long for me to put my excellent hitting skills to use.
After all the presents and cards were opened Mom and Dad set up my favorite gift of all- the pool from Grandma Schafer.
As you can see, I was sure HAPPY!
It didn't take me long to figure out how to use the slide, although Mom says I am supposed to go down it, not up.
Regardless of direction, I think its fun either way.
All that playing made me tired so I sat on the couch with Pa. He even let me try on some of his "cool" shades.
I may be a whole year old, but some things never change; I still love taking naps with my dad!
When I woke up Mom made me lunch and then gave me my own birthday cake. I picked apart a little bit, but haven't really discovered why people like cake so much.
Once I relaxed I got to eat some Lasagna, which is now my FAVORITE food. Grandma Jean said she was worried that I would pop because I ate so much!
I had a great time at the Umbargers playing with my family and was so tired that I crashed in my crib. Mom and Dad woke me up when they came to get me (at 1am) and I found my second wind. I ate some birthday cake with them, and ran around the house before we left to go to Pa's.
The next morning I woke up and found that the fun wasn't over- we were having ANOTHER party. While Mom cleaned the house and prepared for the guests I got to play with my birthday presents. I had a good time making noise on my new keyboard.
That afternoon some of Mommies friends from high school came by with their families. Julie and Jolynn are going to have babies like me soon, and I can't wait to play with them.
Renee and Scott brought Emmy and Brady to the party and Emmy even wore the John Deere Tutu Mom made for her.
Everyone was really nice to me. Uncle Casey helped my walk up the stairs- He is going to be a Daddy in a couple months, and I think he's going to be GREAT!
The coolest part of the day was when my new friends Grant and Reed came to play with me. I had heard all about them and was so excited to finally meet them.
I tried to share my new toys with them, but became jealous and took them back. Mom says its not nice to be an Indian giver, but hey, it is one of my first experiences sharing afterall, so give me a break.
While the 3 of us were together Mom thought it would be a good time to bring out the BIG birthday cake.
She wanted to get a picture of all of us in front of the cake, but as you can see that's when things began to go wrong...
As one of the twins turned to leave I fell straight down into the cake.
Everyone laughed at me, but I didn't think it was funny! Mom helped me clean up by eating the frosting off of my hands, and when I was finally clean she let me open the rest of my presents.
While Mommy cleaned up the mess I went outside to play in the grass. My Uncle Randy had been shooting his pellet gun and came over to show it to me. I was fascinated, but it made me miss my Uncle Shawn a whole lot. Mom, Dad, and I are hoping to take a trip back to Wisconsin to see Daddies Family and show them all the new things I can do.
I had a wonderful first birthday weekend, and feel very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
This past year went by way too fast and Mom and Dad reminisce about the day I came into their lives. Our home is filled with so much Love and Joy that Mom and Dad can't remember what life was like before me.
Next week I go to the doctor to find out how much I have grown. Check back for my new stats!
Bye for now!