I just had two wonderful weeks of Grandma Frankwick FUN!!
We did so much in the last two weeks that you may want to grab a snack before you sit down to read this blog because its a long one...
Grandma Frankwick arrived at my house as I was finishing my bath time fun. I was so excited to see her when she walked in the door that I bounced with joy. She sat down, gave me a bottle, and I fell asleep in her arms like I used to when I was little.
We did so much in the last two weeks that you may want to grab a snack before you sit down to read this blog because its a long one...
Grandma Frankwick arrived at my house as I was finishing my bath time fun. I was so excited to see her when she walked in the door that I bounced with joy. She sat down, gave me a bottle, and I fell asleep in her arms like I used to when I was little.
In the morning I woke up and began my usual routine. I cooed for a moment, rolled over and played with my feet until I got the energy to sit up. I crawled over to my buddies in the crib, and proceeded to play as I normally do. That was until I saw an arm rise up above my crib and wave at me. I looked up and saw Grandma in my room- oh, I was SO excited. I stood up and holding the crib jumped up and down. She picked me up and took me downstairs to begin spoiling me.
It was so wonderful having my Grandma Frankwick come to visit me because we got to do all sorts of fun stuff. One day Mom and Grandma took me to the park! I got to sit in the bucket swing and go back and forth. Who knew that something so simple could be so exciting.
We had a wonderful time playing at the park, and Mom even held me as I slid down the small slide. The next day we took Jackson on a walk down to the pier and stopped at a big grass area where lots of people sit and relax.
We hung out on the grass and I studied my new surroundings with great concern. I was enthralled by the lady bugs and had fun trying to catch them.
Later in the week Mom and Grandma took me to the Doctor for my 9 month checkup. All bets were in regarding my height and weight, and Mom couldn't wait to find out how big I had grown. I weighed in at 15lbs 10oz and measured a little over 25 in long. As it turned out I hadn't gotten a whole lot bigger, but every little bit counts according to Mom and she was very proud of my achievements. The doctor told Mom that she would like to see me get taller by my next appointment, as I am only in the 3rd percentile for height. Mom joked that she was going to stretch me out. Although I am petite in stature, the doctor said that she was very proud of all the new things I am learning to do, and gave me an A+ for my skill level. Woo Hoo!!!
Mom talked to the Dr. about her concern with my lack of appetite and crankiness and was told that my irregular behavior was probably due to the three new top teeth that were making there way in. By the end of the week I had begun feeling a lot of pain from these no-fun-at-all teeth. They were trying to break through my gums, and were irritating me a lot. I lost my appetite even more, and came down with a case of the sniffles. Mom and Grandma tried to give me things to chew on and eat that would make them feel better, but nothing really helped.
On Friday we prepared to leave for Mammoth. Grandma Frankwick continued to spoil me by buying me a new walker to scoot around the house. She also bought me a new snow suit for the weekend. We drove to Mammoth after Daddy got off of work, and arrived very late at night. I had a tough time sleeping thanks to teeth pain, the runny nose, and the altitude, but was able to wake from an inconsistent night of sleep with a big smile for my Gtrandma Schafer who greeted me. I got to spend some time with her before she left for work and we had a grand ol' time laughing at one another. As I watched her get ready for work I found a new wonderful toy in the bathroom- the door stopper!!! I found that it makes a wonderful noise, and it NEVER gets boring (Mom didn't find it too amusing, as she was trying to catch up on some much needed sleep in the adjoining room). After Grandma Schafer left for work the rest of the family got ready to hit the slopes. I got to put on my new snow suit, and think I look pretty good.
Grandma Frankwick, Daddy, Mommy, and I all walked down the the lodge. It was beautiful outside, and Mom and Dad were very excited to be snowboarding.
Grandma Frankwick and I got to take a ride in a space ship looking thing that mom called the peanut while they were on the hill- I fell asleep right as were boarded.
I guess Grandma Frankwick took me on a walk through the village while I slept and when I woke up we met Mom and Dad for lunch in the lodge. I enjoyed snacking on all the yummy food at the table- from crackers to fruit I loved it all!
The next day I got to spend time with BOTH of my Grandmas. We all went to the lodge in the afternoon and got to hang out outside.
It was another beautiful Mammoth day and Mom and Dad thought it was time that I learn to love the snow. I was a tad hesitant at first, but soon I learned that there are a lot of fun things you can do in the snow.
I soon discovered that snowman are also fun to eat...
Dad and Grandma Frankwick showed me how to use the sled. Grandma had a little trouble pushing Daddy down the hill and I thought they sure looked silly!!!
Mom and I got the next turn on the sled, and as you can see the jury is still out regarding my opinion of this new mode-of-transportation.
After a couple of rides I finally got the courage to try it on my own
After we finished sledding we took another ride in the peanut and went down to the village shops. It was fun getting to look down on the town from up above.
While we were exploring the village shops Dad let me ride on his shoulders.
During our excursion Dad and I had a show-down with dome bears in the village, and I think we won. Dad and I sure make a great team!!!
Dad and Mom stopped into a store to buy me a hat for sun protection, and I just HAD to have the stuffed kitty on display at the counter. Lucky for me daddy can't say NO. Prance (the kitty's name) and I enjoyed our ride back in the peanut.
By the third night I had finally begun to adjust to the altitude and found that the pain in the mouth was subsiding so I was able to sleep a little better. In the morning we drove up to Main lodge to see where Mom and Dad got married. Daddy and I took a picture in front of the Wooly Mammoth outside of the gondola, but hurried into the station as the winds were picking up.
We boarded the gondola and headed towards the top of the mountain.
After walking around at McCoy Station we tried to board the gondola to the top but found that the 100 mile an hour winds were forcing the gondola to shut down. Instead of heading towards the top, we rode back down to Main lodge. As you can see, I really enjoyed watching out the gondola at everything below.
The usual 10 minute gondola ride turned into a 40 minute ride as the winds were causing the gondola to stop. I didn't mind, as I got to enjoy the scenery.
To pass the time Dad told me about all the neat things I am going to be able to do in Mammoth when I get big. As you can see I can't wait!!!
After Mom, Dad, and Grandma Schafer took a couple runs on the hill, we packed the car, had a fun lunch will all of Mommies Mammoth friends, and drove back home.
Since Grandma Frankwick was leaving in a couple of days, we had a busy week planned. Pa (Grandpa Schafer) and Great Grandma Schafer came over to our house for dinner. Unfortunately I was being really fussy and whinny- according to Miss Karen (my neck Dr.) I am really getting stranger anxiety. By the end of the night I warmed up to everyone, but hope that I wasn't offensive. My two top teeth came through the next day, and my attitude dramatically changed for the better. Grandma Frankwick and Mom took me for a ride in my new cruiser and I sure felt like royalty. In my cosy seat I was super comfy and slept while they rode along the boardwalk.
The day before Grandma Frankwick left we got to go back to the park and play.
After swinging grandma took me on the big girl slide.
I think Grandma Frankwick enjoyed the slide more than I did...
That night before bed the whole family spent some time together and dad and I played the guitar for Grandma. Check it out- I have finally got the grip down .
I was sad when I woke up the next morning to silence in my bedroom; I had become spoiled getting to wake up to grandma's "good mornings."I am so grateful that Grandma Frankwick came out from Wisconsin the spend time with me, and am going to miss her lots. According to Mom we are going to be getting back to our normal (boring) routine. I guess this means no more daily park trips or other extravagant activities. She does, however, assure me that there will be some new fun things to do in the future so check back soon!!!